Jan 1, 1000
Migration 18,00 years ago
Where: Asia to North America
What happened: The people of Asia moved from Asia to North America. They followed there cattle and they lead the way to North America.
Why is this important: Thats how people came to America, and if they had'nt then we wouldn't be here today. -
American Revalution 1775-1783
Where: The US
What happened: We fought Britain and America won. To singnale that the British were coming the yelled, and used a bell.
Why is it important: If we wounldn't of had the revalution america wouldn't be free, and we would have to take orders from Britain -
Civil War
Where: The US
What happened:The South and the north were fighting about slavery. The south wanted slavery and the the North didn't want slavery. The north won so there is no slavery.
Why is this important: It'simportant because now there is no slavery and no one can own anybody. -
Civil rights movement 1950s-1960s
Where: The US
What happened: Martin Luther King Jr. Fought for discrimination, he had a famous I had a dream speech. He was then shoot,
Why is this importnat:It lead the US to equal rights. He fought hard for blacks to have the same lives as the whites. he won that battle, but then was shoot. -
Terrorist attak on the wolrd trade center
Where: New York City
What happened: Two planes crash into the Wolrd Trade Center. There was suppose to be a thrid plane, but but it crashed into a field.There was one more plane and that crashed into the Pentagon.
Why is it important: It made the air ports more serious on who they can let on the planes. It changed the protection of the president so they had to change the security.