Jan 1, 1200
Migration From Asia to America
The people of Asia migrated to the U.S because of ice, they used the Bering Sea what was once filled with water but dried because of the Ice age people used the "land bridge" to get to what is now the U.S. This was very important, because some people that migrated became U.S citizens. (this happened 1800 years ago) -
Period: Jan 1, 1200 to
Top 5 most important events in U.S history
May 8, 1400
The New Colonies
Europeans from Spain, France, the Netherlands, and other countrys traveled to America and formed an colony. This is important to the U.S because the people of the colony settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts and formed Thanksgiving! -
The Declaration of Independence
The Continental Congress adopted the Decloration of Independence. The document stated that all men are equal and have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Although the Declaration didn't involve women and slaves, it was a great step to equality, and fairness. This event was important because it signified freedom and rights. -
Effects of American Independence
After a failed way of goverment that most Americans didn't trust, the U.S wrote a federal system of goverment. Some states would not approve of the new system until it garanteed several freedoms. After that te first 10 amendments were born in the constitution. This included freedom of religion, speech, and press. The constitution was approved in 1789. This was important, because this event was the start of a new and improved goverment. -
War and Peace
The French formed an allience with the U.S. In 1781 George Washington and his French allies won againsed the British Army. Peace terms were madei the Treaty of Paris 1783. The British land East of Mississippi was a new nation. This event was important because it signifies peace and a new nation