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Top 10 Events that Shaped American History

  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a protest of the tea act. Americans were mad that the British were taxing them without representation, so they threw a ship load of tea into the ocean to protest. I chose this event because it is one of the most well known protests in American history, and it show Americans standing up for themselfs.
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    The American Revolutionary War

    The American Revolution was a major war in America, which was fought against Great Britain. After several years, the Americans won. I chose this event because it showed the world that we are our own country and are just as good as any other country.
    Picture: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yHacxMtQk4U/UFYuWtTUKdI/AAAAAAAAPrw/AkBmPZ8ETo8/s1600/Rev%2BWar-Camden%2BDeKalb.jpg
  • The Declaration of Independence was Signed

    The Declaration of Independence was Signed
    On July 4th, 1776, one of the most important documents in United States history was signed. The Declaration of Independence has a lot of significance, and is very important. I chose this event because it is the starting point of America being a free country. If we never had the Declaratioin of Independence, we would not be where we are today and could still be part of Great Britain.
  • The Constitution of the United Steates was Ratified

    The Constitution of the United Steates was Ratified
    The Constitution is still in place today, and is still a very important document. I chose this event because the United States Constitution is such a great document that sets the standards for government documents. This event is very important in American history because it made living in the United States safer, and more peaceful.
  • The Bill of Rights is Ratified.

    The Bill of Rights is Ratified.
    The Bill of Rights shows the basic human rights you have. It says the basic rights you have that can not be took away from you in America. I chose this event because it is a very significant document that plays a big part in everyday life.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase doubled the amount of land the United States owned. Thomas Jefferson played a big part in this purchase. I chose this event because it doubled the amount of land america owned, and got us closer to the west coast which we would soon own too.
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    The Civil War

    The Civil War was an important war in American history. The Northern and Southern states were fighting each other, and the North won. I chose this event because it killed a very large amount of people, and had an effect on the abolishing of slavery.
    Picture: http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/civil-war/1864/june/battle.jpg
  • The 13th Ammendment to the United States Constitution was Ratified

    The 13th Ammendment to the United States Constitution was Ratified
    The 13th amendment is one of the most important amendments. This ammendment abolished slavery in the United States. I chose this event because when it was put into effect the southern states had to find a better way to make money, so it changed the way they lived their lives.
  • "I Have a Dream" Speech

    "I Have a Dream" Speech
    A very large amount of people attended Martin Luther King Jr.'s historic speech. Martin showed people that the color of your skin is not something people shouuld be judged for. I chose this event because it is one of the most famous speeches in American history.
  • The September 11th Terrorist Attacks

    The September 11th Terrorist Attacks
    On September 11th, 2001, there were a series of attacks in America. Terrorists crashed airplanes into both twin towers, the pentagon, and one, headed to the white house, crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. I chose this event because a large amout of people died, and it will be remembered forever. Also, security is much more strict now because of this event.