TimeToast Timeline-Chapter 7 (book)

By adimas5
  • Nineteenth Century

    In the early 1800s, a technological innovation was introduced to classrooms and had a profound impact on teaching. Classroom structure began to evolve from a one-room orientation to the graded classrooms we know today. The chalkboard came into its own.
  • Twentieth Century

    Brought a variety of technological devices into the classroom, including the filmstrip projector, overhead projector, the motion picture and educational television.
  • Digital Storytelling

    A project that can engage even the most reticent students. Students create images, often by taking digital photos, and then pair these images with narratives they write and record in their own voice.
  • Computer Labs

    Offer a concentration arrangement in which all the students use computers at the same time. This setup is ideal for technology education - teaching about the computer or how to employ a particular application.
  • A Nation At Risk

    A Nation At Risk
    Called for all high school graduates to be able to both understand and use computers.

    (Ryan, Cooper, Bollick, 190)
  • WebQuest

    An inquiry-based learning activity that directs learners in using information from the Web. Appropriate websites and tasks are provided so that the students can focus on the analysis of information rather than losing time by searching for it.
  • Technology for Students with Special Needs

    Technology tools can also assist students with special needs. For students with learning disabilities, such tools can help level the playing field by presenting information in a manner best suited to the students' preferred learning style and unique needs.
  • Period: to

    Tutorial Software

    Tutorials are educational software applications designed to provide the initial instruction on a given topic. One such program is DreamBox Learning.
  • Period: to

    Math Software

    Enhances what teachers can do. An example, The Geometer's Sketchpad, allows students to explore the relationships among points, lines, planes, and angles in an environment conductive to experimentation.
  • National Education Technology Plan (NETP)

    National Education Technology Plan (NETP)
    Was published calling for a "revolutionary transformation of education rather than evolutionary tinkering."
    (Ryan, Cooper, Bollick, 190)
  • Newest Technology

    3-D printers are possibly the newest technology tools that are letting teachers teach in ways impossible before 3-D printers.