Timeline to get a teaching job

  • First day of College

    Started at UNT with a degree in music in mind.
  • Switched colleges.

    I left UNT and went to NCTC to finish core classes- I wasn't for sure want I wanted to do anymore.
  • Decided to major in education.

  • Continue taking classes, aiming for assocaiate degree.

    Take all core classes to get associate degree and get ready to transfer to a university.
  • Completed Associate Degree

  • Transfered to TWU

  • Take alot of education courses

    Learn useful information and tools to be a successful teacher.
  • Continue taking and passing education courses

    Take in as much information to help prepare for state tests and to become a successful teacher.
  • Study, study, study for state exams

    Take pratice exams as well
  • Study, study, study for state exams

    Take practice exams as well.
  • Complete all state exams and pass them

    Apply all the knowledge I have learned at TWU.
  • Finish all classes at TWU

    If all goes well, I will have completed all classes needed to graduate. All that is left is student teaching.
  • Start student teaching

    Hopefully in desired grades 1-3
  • Complete student teaching

    Hopefully get a good recommendation from the teacher that I did my student teaching with and get a foot in the door.
  • Graduate, obtain diploma and teacher certification!!

    Completed all course work including student teaching and state exams and be ready to enter the classroom as a certified teacher.
  • Start looking for and applying for teaching jobs

  • Have my first classroom and start teaching.

    I hope to have my ideal job- 1st grade full of students eager to learn and open their minds!! :)