Dec 25, 1004
Jesus' Birth
That is 4 BC.
Jesus was born. This is important because he saved us from all of our sins, and now we can go to heaven. I would go to experience the power of Jesus. -
Mar 31, 1090
The Coliseum was in Rome, Italy. Gladiators fought in the Coliseum. This is important because It was one of the many highlights of Rome. I think it would be cool to see how accurate the movies based on the arena are. -
Mar 11, 1500
The Writing of the first book of the Bible
1500 BC, that is. An unknown Israelite supposedly wrote the book of Job which is guessed to be the oldest book of the Bible, and the first one written. This is important because it is the first book of many others that will be written in the Bible. -
First Car with an engine
The first car with an engine was invented. This was important, because it led to many other cars being made with engines of differnet types. I would go to witness the creation of thre first of many cars. -
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Hancock, and many others signed the Declaration of Independence. This is important because this is when our country becomes independent, and free from Great Britain. -
The first photograph taken
(No exact date) I would go back to the very first photograph ever taken by Joseph Niepce. This is important because it is the first picture taken by a camera of many that are to come afterwards. I would observe this and realize how important this actually was. -
Lincoln's Assassination
John Wilkes Booth assassinates Abraham Lincoln. This assassination is important because one of America's greatest leaders is killed and therefore Reconstruction gets out of hand. I would alert the guards that John has a gun when he goes backstage, and I would also warn Abe to flee from the assassin. -
The First Telephone Call
Alexander Graham Bell calls Thomas Watson in Chicago from New York. This is the first Telephone call. This is important because it is a huge milestone for America, and the entire world. -
JFK's Assassination
John F Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald during his Inauguration. This is important because it was a presidential assassination which is a big deal, as it is the death of a great leader. I would tell the guards to double check the apartment that the assassin was in. -
Moon Landing
Neil Armstrong takes the first step onto the moon. This is very important because later on we will explore the moon even more. and also many other planets and things in space, and this was the beginning of the entire thing. -
Pittsburgh Steelers first Superbowl win
The Pittsburgh Steelers win their first Super Bowl. This is inportant because they are my favorite football team, and they have the most superbowl wins. This is their first of many -
Terrorists crash planes into the twin towers. I would go back and stop the terrorists, by alerting the army. This is important because this would save many lives and control the grief that many people had after they lost loved ones through these attacks. -
2012 Election
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama compete in the presidential election of 2012. I would go back and become invisible using a cloaking device I created, and whisper into people's ears at the voting booth, telling them to vote for Romney, because Obama will let people get payed for doing nothing. -
Sandy Hook Elementary
Adam Lanza shoots 20 children and 6 adults. I would go back and stop ths mass murderer by making sure police are already waiting for him to come.This is important because it would save many lives. -
Noah's Ark
That is BC. Noah builds a humongous ark before God sends a worldwide flood. This is important because, it kills every living thing except for 2 of every single animal, and Noah and his family. I think it would be interesting to go back and see all of the animals.