Timeline of Immigration to Canada

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  • 1497

    John Cabot lands in Newfoundland

    John Cabot lands in Newfoundland
    While searching for the North West Passage, John Cabot instead finds the coast of Newfoundland. He also discovered mass amounts of cod fish off the Grand Banks, which was an excellent opportunity to turn a quick profit
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier travels to North America

    Jacques Cartier travels to North America
    After convincing the king of France to fund a trip to North America, Jacques Cartier meets an Iroquois group of first nations while traveling up the St. Lawrence river. He meets their leader, Donnaconna and forms a working relationship between the two groups.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    The first man to establish a permanent settlement in what is now known as Canada was Samuel de Champlain when he founded Quebec
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    In 1611, Henry Hudson's attempt to find the North West passage fails when his crew mutinies against him leaving him stranded in the Hudson Bay
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    The Kings Daughters

    Between the years 1663 and 1673 approximately 1000 young women who were deemed to have no future in France were sent to Canada by king Louis XIV to marry and populate. They were named the king's daughters.
  • The Nonsuch

    The Nonsuch
    In 1668, the Nonsuch left London on a voyage to the Hudson bay, later the ship returned to London with amazing news. Not only was trading in the Hudson Bay possible, it was extremely profitable. This started up the Hudson's Bay company.
  • The Hudson's Bay company

    The Hudson's Bay company
    In 1670, the Hudson's Bay company was established in London after a pair of fur traders, Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard Chouart discovered the wealth of fur in the interior of North America
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    The Seven Year War

    The Seven Year War was a global conflict fought between 1756 and 1763. It was lead by two coalitions, the Kingdom of Great Britian and the Kingdom of France. The battles took place in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia
  • The Plains of Abraham

    The Plains of Abraham
    In 1759, British forces led by General James Wolfe defeated the French troops led by Marquis de Montcalm, leading to a British victory. This was a pivotal moment of the Seven Year War.
  • North West Company

    North West Company
    The North West Company was founded in 1779 by Highland Scots, Loyalists escaping the American revolution, and the French Canadians. It was the Hudson's Bay Company's biggest rival.
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    The War of 1812

    The war of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain between the years of 1812 and 1814.
  • The Battle of Seven Oaks

    The Battle of Seven Oaks
    The Battle of Seven Oaks took place in 1816 between the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company. The battle led to a significant loss of life, and played a major role in the merging of the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company
  • The Merger

    The Merger
    In 1821, the Hudson's Bay company merged with its most successful rival, the North West company.
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    The Underground Railroad

    Between 1840 and 1860, Enslaved Africans followed the Underground Railroad out of the United States and into Canada. The Underground Railroad was a network of secret tunnels and safe houses used to smuggle slaves into canada.
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    Irish Potato Famine

    The failure of the potato crop caused widespread famine and disease in Ireland between the years 1845-1849. During this time, many Irish people emigrated to Canada in hopes of starting a new life. Mass ammounts of people died due to starvation and disease during the journey to Canada.