Timeline of American History

  • The revolutionary war.

    The revolutionary war.
    The war for freedom against Great Britian started. This is important because this was the U.S's way to split from Great Brittian.
  • Life in the Colonies

    Life in the Colonies
    the colonies had been in existence for over 150 years. But unlike other countries they had a thriving middle class
  • the U.S Constituition

    the U.S Constituition
    The Constituiton of the United States of America was signed.This made the U.S its own country
  • The U.S Constitution

    The U.S Constitution
    The Constitution garuenteed basic rights to u.s citizens. This allowed the people to be able to do things but still have laws to abide by.
  • Jefferson Presidence

    Jefferson Presidence
    The U.S flagpole at the U.S consulate was cut down. This is important because this shows that there were problems with the us
  • Jefferson was elected

    Jefferson was elected
    Thomas Jefferson was elected as U.S President. He was the third president of the united states.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    This war was fought by the United States, the United Kingdom, and their allies. This war helped lead develop the american identity.
  • Nationalism

    The outcome of the war helped fuel a nascent sense of nationalism. Before this war started it lead to a tension between the u.s and Great Brittian
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Jacksonian Democracy
    Originated with President Andrew Jackson. This became the nation's dominant political worldview for a generation.
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Jacksonian Democracy
    Andrew Jackson's influence on American pollitics was persuasive both before and after his time in office. This is important because it espoused greater democracy for the common man.
  • Science and Culture

    Science and Culture
    John William Draper invents astonomical photography and photographs the moon. This is important because it lead to a world of photography.
  • Science and Culture

    Science and Culture
    An accident with a cannon on a U.S. Navy warship killed two members of John Tyler's cabinet.
  • Slavery

    Virginia demands that emancipated slaves leave the state within a year and forbids the legislature from freeing any slave. This is important because the northern states are letting slavery go.
  • Slavery

    Vermont passes a personal liberty law and declares that no one shall be denied citizenship on account of African decent. This is important because it proves that the north was doing all they could do to get rid of slavery.
  • Absolust road to civil war

    Absolust road to civil war
    Slavery in the united states also lead to the separation of the united states. This is important because the owning of human beings lead to the separation of a great country
  • Absolust road to civil war

    Absolust road to civil war
    The american civil war happened after decades of regional conflict. This is important to know because this helps lead to the separation of the united states.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The civil war was fought in the united states from 1861 to 1865. This war is important because it helped reunite the united states.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was shot in the back of the head. This is important because he was the president of the united states assingated because of the fight over slavery.
  • Reconstruction Era

    Reconstruction Era
    The reconstuction era laid out the process for readmitting Southern states into the union. This was the start of getting the united states back together.
  • reconstuction era

    reconstuction era
    The fourteeth amendment provided former slaves with national citizenship, and the fifteeth amendment granted black men the right to vote. This is important because it gave african americans a right to live.