Timeline History

  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America and ended the War of Independence of the United States. The fatigue of the participants and the evidence that the distribution of forces, with the English predominance at sea, made a military outcome impossible, led to the cessation of hostilities.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Alfonso XII

    Son of Queen Elizabeth II and King Consort Francisco de Asís de Borbón, the beginning of his reign ended the First Republic and gave way to the period known as Restoration.
  • Sandhurst Manifiesto

    Sandhurst Manifiesto
    The Sandhurst Manifesto was a political manifesto signed by the then Prince Alfonso de Borbón (future King Alfonso XII of Spain), while he was in exile. In the document he showed his willingness to become king and supporter of a constitutional monarchy.
  • PSOE is founded

    PSOE is founded
    The Spanish Socialist Workers Party, like the entire socialist movement, was born as a consequence of the social, political and economic effects produced by the industrial revolution and, especially, as a consequence of the rise of the working classes.
  • Period: to

    Regency of Maria Cristina

    It is the period of the reign of Alfonso XIII of Spain in which due to the minority of the age of King Alfonso XIII the head of state was held by his mother María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena.
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    Reign of Alfonso XII

    During his reign, Spain experienced four extremely important problems that would end the liberal monarchy: the lack of a true political representation of broad social groups, the terrible situation of the popular classes, especially the peasant ones, the problems derived from the Rif war and Catalan nationalism.
    This political and social turmoil started with the disaster of 98, which led to the establishment of the Primo de Rivera dictatorship.
    He left Spain voluntarily in 1931.
  • Tragic Week of 1909

    Tragic Week of 1909
    The 1909 crisis was known as the Barcelona Tragic Week. Its origin was in the call to the ranks of reservists for the Moroccan war. Violent disorders took place in the port when the soldiers, mostly belonging to the popular classes, were to be shipped.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The October Revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution and the Great October Socialist Revolution according to both the official historiography of the former Soviet Union and according to some communist groups, was the second phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, after the February Revolution.
  • Disaster of Annual

    Disaster of Annual
    It was a serious Spanish military defeat in the Rif War and an important victory for the Rifians commanded by Abd el-Krim. It was produced near the Moroccan town of Annual located between Melilla and the bay of Al Hoceima.
  • Period: to

    Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera

    It was the political regime that existed in Spain since the coup d'etat by the Captain General of Catalonia, Miguel Primo de Rivera.
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    Second Spanish Republic

    Free from the oppression of the dictatorship, opponents of the regime, mainly Republicans and Socialists, will experience an unsuspected boom. Social conflict returns to the streets
  • Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    It consisted of the establishment of the new republican political regime that succeeded the constitutional monarchy of Alfonso XIII de Borbón, which had been "delegitimized" by having allowed the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Was a civil war in Spain fought from 1936 to 1939. Republicans loyal to the left-leaning Second Spanish Republic, in alliance with anarchists, of the communist and syndicalist variety, fought against a revolt by the Nationalists, an alliance of Falangists, monarchists, conservatives and Catholics.
  • Tragic Spring

    Tragic Spring
    The elections of February 16, 1936 certified the division of Spain into two antagonistic halves, surpassing a third Spain, that of understanding. The percentage of votes between the two was even, but the electoral system gave victory to the Popular Front. This one demanded the power of the Government and of the City councils without transition.
  • Bombing of Guernika

    Bombing of Guernika
    It was an air attack carried out on the civilian population of this Spanish population during the Spanish civil war, by the German Condor Legion and the Italian Legionary Aviation, which were fighting in favor of the rebelled side against the government of the Second Spanish Republic.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    Ending almost three years of conflict, the civil war between the Republican side and the rebel side (formed by the Spanish Falange and other conservative groups), ended with the victory of the national side with General Francisco Franco at the helm.
  • Bases de Manresa

    Bases de Manresa
    They are the document presented as a Catalan regional constitution project for a presentation by the “Unió Catalanista” before the council of representatives of Catalan associations.