TIMELINE 19th ctry

  • Period: to

    Reign of Joseph I

    Was Holy Roman Emperor and ruler of the Austrian Habsburg monarchy.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid.
  • Pragmatic Sanction

    Pragmatic Sanction
    Austrian throne and Habsburg lands would be inherited by Emperor Charles VI's daughter, Maria Theresa.
  • Flying Shuttle

    It was a pivotal advancement in the mechanisation of weaving during the initial stages of the Industrial Revolution, and facilitated the weaving of considerably broader fabrics, enabling the production of wider textiles.
  • Period: to

    First Indutrial Revolution

    It was a process in which lots of technological advances took place.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Was a hand-powered spinning machine with 40 needles.
  • Water Frame

    Is a spinning frame that is powered by a water-wheel.
  • Period: to

    American Revolutionary War

    13 British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America fought for their independence from Great Britain.
  • Period: to

    War of Independence

    It was a war in which Americans fought for its independence against the Great Britain.
  • U.S Declaration of Independence

    U.S Declaration of Independence
    The U.S. demanded the independece from the Great Britain due to lots of different reasons.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Great Britain recognised American independence and the birth of the United States
  • Power Weaving Loom

    Power Weaving Loom
    Is a mechanized loom, and was one of the key developments in the industrialization of weaving during the early Industrial Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles IV

    The Spain inherited by Charles IV gave few indications of instability, but during his reign, Spain entered a series of disadvantageous alliances and his regime constantly sought cash to deal with the exigencies of war.
  • Adoption of the U.S. Constitution

    Adoption of the U.S. Constitution
    It estabilished a federal republic based on popular sovereignty and the separation of powers.
  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The Third Estate proposed a new form of voting. As they didn´t agree, they declared themselves the true representatives and demanded a constitution.
  • Constituent Assembly

    Constituent Assembly
    The king agreed on Third Estate´s proposal. While in Paris people riot, due to this Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen.
  • Convocation of the Estates General

    Convocation of the Estates General
    In 1789 Louis XVI decided to call Estates General in order to increase taxes.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Protesters decided to attack this political prison in Paris.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
    The constituent assembly implemented this legal reform due to the riots in Paris.
  • Spinning Mule

    Is a machine used to spin cotton and other fibres.
  • First French Constitution

    First French Constitution
    The Constituent Assembly adopted this constitution due to revolts and riots in Paris.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    A new Legislative Assembly was elected, Girondins and Jacobins dominated it. It abolished the monarchy in September 1792 and declared France a Republic.
  • The Convention

    The Convention
    Louis XVI was accussed of treason and was executed. While Robespierre and Jacobins took power and imposed a dictatorship known as Terror
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    During the Convention, Louis XVI was accused of treason, and then executed.
  • Directory

    France´s moderate middle class had gained control of the country so they stablished Directory.
  • Treaty of Basel

    It was a summary of the two signed treaties between France and Prussia and France and Spain.
  • Consulate

    There was a military coup and Napoleon established a new form of government called the Consulate.
  • Napoleon´s Coup D´État

    Napoleon´s Coup D´État
    General Napoleon Bonaparte made a military coup and stabilished a new form of government called Consulate.
  • Treaty of San Ildefonso

    Treaty of San Ildefonso
    It was a secret treaty signed by Spain and France during napoleonic wars.
  • Napoleonic Civil Code

    Set of laws that applied equal to all citizens.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Empire

    Napoleon gradually increased his power and was named First Consul, then he declared himself emperor of France in 1804.
  • Locomotive

    Is a locomotive that provides the force to move itself and other vehicles by means of the expansion of steam.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    It was a naval battle in which French and Spanish were defeated by British.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    It was a battle between France and Austrian and Prussian army.
  • Launch of First Steamship

    Launch of First Steamship
    Fulton's steamboat, the Clermont, made its first voyage on the Hudson River traveling 40 miles from New York to Albany in a record eight hours.
  • Battle of Bailén

    Battle of Bailén
    Was fought in 1808 between the Spanish Army of Andalusia, led by General Francisco Javier Castaños and the Imperial French Army's II corps d'observation de la Gironde under General Pierre Dupont de l'Étang.
  • Revolt of Aranjuez

    Revolt of Aranjuez
    This was a revolt made through Madrid´s streets for the politics of Manuel Godoy.
  • The Uprising of People of Madrid

    The Uprising of People of Madrid
    Took place in Madrid, Spain, on 2–3 May 1808. The rebellion, mainly by civilians, with some isolated military action by junior officers, was against the occupation of the city by French troops, and was violently repressed by the French Imperial forces, with hundreds of public executions.
  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Abdications of Bayonne
    The Abdications of Bayonne took place on 7 May 1808 in the castle of Marracq in Bayonne when the French emperor Napoleon I forced two Spanish kings—Charles IV and his son, Ferdinand VII—to renounce the throne in his favour.
  • First Trade Unions

    First Trade Unions
    Is an organisation of workers intent on maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment.
  • Independence of Colombia

    Independence of Colombia
    As with other nations in America, this country achieved its emancipation from the Spanish yoke in 1810.
  • Establishment of the Continental Blockade

    It was a blockade made by French against the Great Britain.
  • Convocation of the Courts of Cadiz

    Convocation of the Courts of Cadiz
    Courts of Cadiz were called for different reasons.
  • Aproval of "La Pepa"

    Aproval of "La Pepa"
    The first Spanish Constitution was created in Cádiz.
  • Treaty of Valençay

    Treaty of Valençay
    The agreement provided for the restoration of Ferdinand VII as King of Spain, who had been imprisoned in France, in the Château de Valençay, since his abdication in 1808.
  • Period: to

    Absolutist Sexenio

    The king recuperated the political power through a military coup.
  • Treaty of Fountainebleau

    Treaty of Fountainebleau
    It was a treaty signed by France, Russia, Prussia and Austria during the napoleonic wars.
  • Period: to

    Congress of Vienna

    It was a meeting of the main representatives of the European powers.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    In this battle, Napoleon was finally defeated.
  • Creation of the Holy Alliance

    It was an alliance set up by Russia, Prussia and Austria.
  • Independence of Argentina

    Independence of Argentina
    Integrants of the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, declared independence of Argentina on Spain.
  • Independence of Chile

    Independence of Chile
    This process is reflected in the Act of Installation of the First National Government Board in Santiago, on September 18, 1810, and in the Proclamation of the Independence of Chile, on February 12, 1818.
  • First Liberal Revolutionary Wave

    In this revolutionary wave, liberals aimed to establish a constitutional monarchy.
  • Period: to

    Trienio Liberal

    Is the period that constitutes the intermediate part of the 3 events during Fernando VII reign´s.
  • Independence of Peru

    Independence of Peru
    But it was only on Saturday, July 28, 1821, in a public ceremony, when General San Martín proclaimed the independence of Peru in the Plaza Mayor of Lima.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    On September 27, 1821, the Independence of Mexico culminated, after an eleven-year war that was a great popular revolution to free itself from Spanish rule.
  • Period: to

    Ominous Decade

    Began with a severe purge of liberals, but in its later stages the regime became increasingly unacceptable to extreme conservatives, who looked to the king's reactionary brother, Don Carlos
  • First Commercial Train

    First Commercial Train
    Locomotion No. 1 became the world's first steam locomotive to carry passengers on a public line.
  • Second Liberal Revolutionary Wave

    Belgium gained independence from the Netherlands to which it had been united by the congress of Vienna.
  • Period: to

    First Carlist War

    Was a civil war in Spain from 1833 to 1840, the first of three Carlist Wars. It was fought between two factions over the succession to the throne and the nature of the Spanish monarchy
  • Period: to

    Effective reign of Elizabeth II

    Is the period between Fernando VII death and the revolution triumph.
  • Expropriation of Mendizábal

    Expropriation of Mendizábal
    Were a set of decrees that resulted in the expropriation and privatisation of monastic properties in Spain from 1835 to 1837.
  • Period: to

    Chartist Movement

    This was a working class movement which emerged in London, they wanted to gain political rights.
  • Period: to

    Regency of Espartero

    It was the last period of Isabel II´s minority age.
  • Third Liberal Revolutionary Wave

    Demanded liberal reforms, establishment of the universal manhood suffrage.
  • Drafting the Communist Manifesto

    Drafting the Communist Manifesto
    Is a political pamphlet written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, commissioned by the Communist League and originally published in London.
  • Luddites

    Were members of a 19th-century movement of English textile workers which opposed the use of certain types of cost-saving machinery
  • Expropriation of Madoz

    Expropriation of Madoz
    It included the lands and censuses of the state; of the clergy; of the military orders of Santiago, Alcántara, Montesa and St. John of Jerusalem; of confraternities, sanctuaries and shrines; of a former infante, Don Carlos; and of the mortmains.
  • Period: to

    Italy reunification

    King Victor Emmanuel II and Cavour unificated Italy and stabilished a constitutional monarchy.
  • Period: to

    German Reunification

    Bismarck began German´s reunification and stabilished the Second Reich or Wilhelm I as its Kaiser.
  • Period: to

    First International

    Was an international organisation which aimed at uniting a variety of different left-wing socialist, communist and anarchist groups and trade unions that were based on the working class and class struggle.
  • Period: to

    Provisional Reign of Serrano

    Was a provisional government formed in Spain between the overthrow of Queen Isabella II of Spain on 30 September 1868 after the Glorious Revolution, and the inauguration of the new King Amadeo I of Spain before the Cortes on 2 January 1871.
  • Constitution of 1869

    Constitution of 1869
    The resulting text, the Constitution of 1869, reflected the progressive and democratic set of ideals
  • Period: to

    Second Industrial Revolution

    In this industrial revolution, rapid advances in the creation of steel chemicals and electricity helped fuel production.
  • Period: to

    First Republic

    It was the political regime in force in Spain from its proclamation by the Cortes on February 11, 1873, until December 29, 1874 when the pronouncement of General Martínez Campos gave rise to the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.
  • Foundation of PSOE

    Foundation of PSOE
    The PSOE was founded by Pablo Iglesias on 2 May 1879 in the Casa Labra tavern in Tetuán Street near the Puerta del Sol at the centre of Madrid. Iglesias was a typesetter who had become in contact in the past with the Spanish section of the International Workingmen's Association and with Paul Lafargue.
  • Period: to

    Regency of Maria Cristina

    It was the period in which due to the minority of age of Maria Cristina´s son she had to govern.
  • Period: to

    Second International

    Was an organisation of socialist and labour parties, formed on 14 July 1889 at two simultaneous Paris meetings in which delegations from twenty countries participated.
  • Foundation of the CNT

    Foundation of the CNT
    The National Confederation of Labor is a confederation of unions with anarchist ideology, specifically the anarcho-syndicalist branch of Spain.