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Time Travel Project

  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    On this day The Declaration of Independence was signed. This event was important because this is when the United States of America split from england. I would like to go to this event because i would like to see how long it would take them to write it and to see how long it would take them to send it to england.
  • The Constitution was signed

    The Constitution was signed
    On this day the Constitution was signed. This event was important because this was the first set of laws that the United States of America had after they split apart from england. I would like to go back and see them sign it. Also i would like to go back to see how the citicens reacted to it.
  • President Lincolns Assassination

    President Lincolns Assassination
    On April 14, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in Fords Theatre Washington D.C. This event is important because he was the first president to be assassinated. I would go back to this event because i would like to stop him from being assassinated. This would change history because if he wasnt assassinated it would be the first time blacks were allowed to have rights.
  • The Sinking of the Titanic

    The Sinking of the Titanic
    On April 15, 1912 the Titanic hits a iceburg and sinks to the bottom of the ocean.This is an important event because they thought that the ship was unshinkable but when they hit the iceburg the sank. I would go back to this event to stop them from sinking by having them turn the ship way before the iceburg is insight. This would save alot of lives.
  • The Beginning of World War 1

    The Beginning of World War 1
    On July 28, 1914 the worlds first World War starts. This is important because this is the first war that the rest of the world is involved in fighting in. I would go back and kill Hitler and his whole army. This would stop many people from dieing.
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941 the Japones dropped a bomb on Pearl Harbor. This is an important event because this is the beggening of World War 2. I would go back and stop the bombs from hitting Pearl Harbor. This would save many lives and the beggening of World War 2.
  • The Beginning of World War 2

    The Beginning of World War 2
    On December 7, 1941 the Japones dropped a bomb at Pearl Harbor and this started the new World War. This is an important event because it is the worlds second war. I would go back and stop the bombs from hitting Pearl Harbor. This would save many peoples lives and the starting of the second world war.
  • President Kennedies Assassination

    President Kennedies Assassination
    On November 22, 1963 president Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. This is an important event because president Kennedy was the fourth president to be assassinate in the United States histoy. I would go back and stop him from dying. This would affect how World War 2 ended because president Kennedy wanted to pull his troops out way before the war really ended.
  • Patterson Gimlin Film

    Patterson Gimlin Film
    On October 20, 1967 Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin filmed an unidentified subject that people call a "Bigfoot" on the Klamath River outside of Orleans, California. This is an important event because this is the first video of a "Bigfoot" and it proves that there could be new species of animals out there. I would go back there and shoot the "Bigfoot" to see if its a person in a costume or if its a new species of animal. If it was a "Bigfoot" i would be he first person to kill it.
  • Martin Luther Kings Assassination

    Martin Luther Kings Assassination
    On April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King was assassinated by James Earl Ray in the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. This is an important event because Martin Luther King knew he was going to die before he even was assassinated. I would go back and stop him from being assassinated. This would cause many blacks to be treated differently because if he didnt get assassinated he would make more powerful speeches that would chage how people treated blacks.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    On July 20, 1969 the crew of the Apollo 13 shuttle landed on the moon. This is an important event because this is the first time he U.S had landed on the moon. I would like to go back and go on the trip with them to the moon.
  • Jimi Hendrix Death

    Jimi Hendrix Death
    On September 18, 1970 Jimi Hendrix died because he took 9 of his wifes vesperax sleeping pills witch the next day he literally drowned in his own vomit, mostly red wine. This is an important evnet because when he died it was the worst thing that happened to rock and roll history. I would go back and stop him from taking the sleeping pills. This would cause him to make more music and for people to really know who he is in the rock and roll history.
  • People were allowed in the U.S Gold Depository

    People were allowed in the U.S Gold Depository
    On September 23, 1974 people where allowed into the United States Gold Depository for the first time. This is an important event because this was the first time and the only people where allowed into the U.S Gold Depository. I would go back and go with them into the Depository and demand to see all the other gold rooms that are said to be in there. This would cause many people to beleave that there is gold all in there and may cause people to steel it.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
    On January 28, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into its flight after it left the ground. This is an important event because they thought that everything was okay on the ground but something it blew up. I would go back and stop them from launching by telling them that something isnt right. This would save the people who where in the shuttle and the lose of alot of money.
  • The Terrorist Attack on 9/11

    The Terrorist Attack on 9/11
    On September 11, 2001 Terrorist hijacked 4 passenger jets and crashed 2 of them into the twin towers. This is an important event because this is the first terrorist attack on america. I would go back and stop them from hijacking the planes by not letting them on the plane. This would save thousands of peoples lives.