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Throughout the Ages

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    Confucius (400BCE)
    In this writing created by Confucius (a Chinese philosopher) it shows his perspective of a good leader and the best way to govern society, which is different to Han Feizi's opinion. This is significant because Confucius had a large influence on China. This writing was created as China started to value philosophy. This resulted in a better developed China
  • Period: 100 to

    Throughout the Ages

    This is a series of events of important happenings, throughout the ages that end in the Renaissance. This has been a group effort between three hardworking people. Hope you enjoy!
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    Two Early Religious Martys

    Two Early Religious Martys
    Perpetua and Felicitas, two early Christian martyrs publicly proclaimed their Christan faith and were attacked by wild animals and killed by gladiators in a public arena, where crowds gathered to watch. It is historically significant because it enhanced Christianity. At first, Christianity was not accepted by the public, but due to this act, and others like these, Christianity grew stronger and is now one of the leading relgions in our world today.
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    Crime and Punishment in the Salic Code

    Crime and Punishment in the Salic Code
    The Franks enforced a set of laws on crime and punishment to create a civilized community. This is significant because it shows how Franks lived. For example, greater fines were given for killing a boy than a girl and stealing was a bigger crime than murder. The laws were made to enforce a civilized community. It affects our world today because slightly similar laws are used and developed in our governments
  • Feb 28, 710

    Fighting South of the Ramparts

    Fighting South of the Ramparts
    This is a poem written by Li Bai to describe the life of a Chinese soldier. This is historically significant as it shows the brutal life of chinese soldiers fighting in war. This problem resulted due to the cruel wars that was began because of men’s desire of power and money. However, due to their irrational act, many innocent lives were lost and suffered, which puts a conclusion to the Tang Dynasty's reign.
  • Feb 28, 776

    Status of Women

    Status of Women
    In this excerpt, Jahiz wrote against society about the superiority of women. This is significant because it demonstrates how little freedom women had yet men seem to care so much about them. This is caused by the stereotypical society that considers men as the only human and women as objects or machines. However, due to this brave act of Jahiz, society moved one step closer to gender equality. Yet in places today people still believe women are lesser than men.
  • Feb 28, 1066

    Oaths of Allegiance

    Oaths of Allegiance
    Between the lords and the vassal's they created an oath for allegiance. This is significant because it showed how the feudal system worked. Also, it demonstrates how vassals obeyed their lords. They created this oath to develop and insure there would be a sense of loyalty between the people who are a part of it. A similar oath of citizenship is used in present countries, including Canada during immigration to show loyalty to the country.
  • Feb 28, 1070

    Piers the Ploughman: A Peasant's Diet

    Piers the Ploughman: A Peasant's Diet
    The daily life of a peasant is very difficult and harsh. No matter how hard the peasants worked, they had difficulties feeding their family because they had to give a certian percent of it to their wealth to the Church. This is significant because it shows how the peasants lived in the High Middle Ages. It was caused because of the lack of attention from their lords and the tax. The consequence of this problem was that it eventually led to the peasants revolt in the fourteenth century.
  • Feb 28, 1353

    Boccaccio’s Decameron

    Boccaccio’s Decameron
    This primary source is the opening passage to Boccaccio’s collection of stories called Decameron. He talks about what life was like during the time of the black death. The black death is an important event that we look back on and learn about because it drastically changed Europe forever. Boccaccio's wrote this because people were very curious about the black death. The black death also resulted in the peasant revolt's because of the lack of money.
  • Feb 28, 1354


    Alhambra is a palace built in Spain to display the wealth of the Kings of Granada. This is of significance because it shows how important beautiful architecture was to the Muslims. The Kings of Granada built this palace to display their status. This displayed their wealth and caused the architecture in Muslim to flourish.
  • Feb 28, 1429

    Joan Of Arc Writes to the English Invaders

    Joan Of Arc Writes to the English Invaders
    In this primary source, Joan of Arc is writing a letter to the English army explaining that they must leave France or prepare to be harmed. This is significant because it shows how brave and courageous Joan of Arc was. She had no fear and wanted to lead France to a better future. Joan wrote this letter during the Hundred Years War, and the letters consequence was that it contributed to the end of feudalism in Europe. Also she is a excellent role model because she was a woman.
  • Feb 28, 1464

    Death of Medici Family

    Death of Medici Family
    This primary source reveals the death in the Medici Family. Most of the deaths resulted because another family member wanted power. This is historically significant because it shows the many deaths and killings that happened in the Medici family that ruled Florence. The Medici's killed because they wanted the power instead of their ruling family member. The consequence of this is that many of the family members died or were killed and there was a lot of tension in the family for power.
  • Galileo's Prize Discovery

    Galileo's Prize Discovery
    This primary source was strongly significant as it showed Galileo's contribution to the world with his inventions and his discoveries. For example, Galileo used the telescope to allow him to see things that no one had before. He observed the surface of the moon, the planets movements, and how Earth orbited around the sun. He also discovered that the milky way was constructed by a group of stars. His discoveries influenced in our scientific world as we investigate more about the universe.
  • Advice To Samurai

    Advice To Samurai
    This is a writing by Jocho Yamamoto, a Zen priest to the samurai. He, (once a samurai), writes about how all the values that the samurai once had were being lost. He explains how "Until fifty or sixty years ago" samurai would do many different rituals when getting ready. What caused this was that the samurai weren't taking the rituals seriously, or not doing them at all. The consequence of this led to us learning about how the samurai once lived and may have even lead to the end of the samurai.
  • The 47 Ronin

    The 47 Ronin
    This primary souce is a well known story in Japan about the 47 Ronin, a group of samurai whose lord, when drawn a sword in the shoguns palace had to commit suicide. So they took revenge, and they ended up having to kill themselves. This is historically significant because it shows the strength that samurai would go to to protect their lords honour. The cause of this is that it this story became very famous and people admired them for their courage and devotion to the Code of Bushido.