US History timeline

  • The War of Independence

    The War of Independence
    It was important because it's a symbol of the fight for freedom. It's where the colonies fought against the British authorities.
  • Segregation & Discrimination

    Segregation & Discrimination
    The railroads hired Mexicans to construct rail lines in the southwest. They worked for less money.Chinese immigrants were pushed to segregated schools and neighborhoods. It is important because it still shapes our country. The US is a diverse country where discrimination and segregation occurs by the fact of being different. It helped cause the civil rights and equality for woman
  • The Spanish- American war

    The Spanish- American war
    It's a conflict between the US and Spain that ended Spain's rule in the Americas and the US acquired western Pacific and Latin American territories. It's important because it caused the US involvement in Latin america and Asia to increase.
  • The twenties woman

    The twenties woman
    This was the year where women were braver and didn't follow social expectations. They drove cars, they smoked, drank in the public. They were independent and daring. They had more available jobs.Its important because its a huge stepping stone for woman. They had control of their lives. It sets bravery for the next generations of females.
  • The impact of the new deal

    The impact of the new deal
    The new deal, introduced by FDR was to help the American economy from the great depression . Some examples of the acts from the New Deal are Emergency Banking Act and the Social Security Act. The New deal was important because it redefined the role of the government. The social security Act is still used today.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    WW2 involved many of the worlds countries. The second World war was started by Germany in an unprovoked attack on Poland. The war was between more than 50 countries. It is important because millions of people were killed by the Nazi’s ideology. It also caused innovation and advance technology like the atomic bomb. And it’s an important experience in history as to what not do for the future generations.
  • Civil rights

    Civil rights
    Civil rights is a law in the USA that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.This is important because it gave people equal rights, the African Americans were not treated equally they were discriminated for their color but with the civil rights they began to be equal and were treated better.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Also known as the second Indochina war was from a conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. It was fought between North Vietnam and the government of South Vietnam. North Vietnam won . It was important because it was the first war the US lost and lost a large amount of money.
  • Gay marriage

    Gay marriage
    This is a history victory now same sex people may get married. The fight was tough for many people but they finally got their victory. This is important because people should get married with who they want to if that makes them happy. There is nothing wrong with people marrying their same sex. This has had an impact because many people are still against it and sometimes they can even get discriminated.
  • The Orlando shooting - Gun violence.

    The Orlando shooting - Gun violence.
    A guy named Omar mateen which was 29 years old and was a security guard,killed 49 people and wounded 54 inside a gay nightclub. This was important because many innocent peoples life's were lost for no reason. Due to things like this now there is many political talks about wether or not we should have guns.