The Vietnam War

  • Eisenhower Considers Intervening

    Eisenhower Considers Intervening
    President Eisenhower has to decide whether or not to get America involved in the war. This is important because it is the possible start of a war for Americans.
  • Nixon Offers Support

    Nixon Offers Support
    Nixon offers his support to commiting troops to the war efforts. This is important because although the decision was unpopular, he thought that it would end the war faster.
  • Vietnam Divided

    Vietnam Divided
    France and Ho Chi Min signed the Geneva Accord. This stated that Vietnam was to divide at the seventeenth parallel. This is important because the document, while designed to bring peace, ultimately led to war.
  • US Offers Support

    US Offers Support
    The United States agrees to support Ngo Dinh Diem against the Geneva Accord, even though Diem belives he will lose against Ho Chi Minh. This is important because the US is opposing the document intended to "create peace".
  • Eisenhower is Re Elected

    Eisenhower is Re Elected
    Eisenhower is voted into his second term as President. This is important because he was President at the start of these events, so there is no real switching of office in this situation. He is able to continue his efforts.
  • South Army Coup Falls

    South Army Coup Falls
    South Vietnamese forces attempt a coup against Ngo Dinh Diem. This is important because it shows an internal struggle in the South.
  • Viet Cong Formed

    Viet Cong Formed
    The Viet Cong is formed and funded by the North Vietnamese government. This is important because they remain a big force in the war through the end.
  • First US Death in Combat

    First US Death in Combat
    This is the first American combat death reported. This is important because many people considered this to be the start of the war for America.
  • Diem Survives an Assassination Attempt

    Diem Survives an Assassination Attempt
    Two South Vietnamese pilots try bombing his palace. This is important because it continues a show of internal strife.
  • USS Maddox

    USS Maddox
    North Vietnamese gunboats attack the USS Maddox. This is important because they did nothing to provoke the attack.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gives Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to do whatever necessary to defend South Vietnam. This is important because it gives him less restrictions and more capabilities.
  • LBJ is Elected

    LBJ is Elected
    Lyndon B. Johnson wins in a landslide vote. This is important because he will take us through the end of the war.
  • First Combat Units

    First Combat Units
    The first US combat units are arriving in Vietnam at this time. This is important because it marks the official start of US involvement.
  • US Pulls Troops

    US Pulls Troops
    The US ends direct military involvement. This is important because it marks the end of the war for America.
  • First Deaths in Vietnam

    First Deaths in Vietnam
    The first two American soldiers are killed in a guerrilla attack. This is important because it is the first American deaths of the war.