Jan 1, 1100
Summery This was about that Religiou war between Christians and Muslims. The Muslims and Christians fought over the Holy Land. They introduced new things from Asia such asfood, spices, and instruments Importance The Cusades were so important because they spread christianity exoanded the territories of many,increased trade, and spread knowledge -
Jan 1, 1300
Black Death
Summery The Black Death killed one third of the Europen population and over 25 million people were killed in five years. People believed it was a punishment from god importance The trade stoped scence cities shut down there shipd because they were scared of the Ploague. There was conflict becuase people were dieing every were -
Jan 1, 1492
The Vogage of Colmbus
Summery Christerpher Colmbus thought he could sail East to India. he made four trips. importance Columbus was one of the very few that believed that the world was round and you can get to were you wanted to be if you just walk in a straight line -
May 20, 1495
Vascode Gama
Summery The people wanted the Indians spices. Earopean to said from ecrope to Inia around Africa importantce Vascode Gama was Portugues explor one of the most one successful in Europe -
Jan 1, 1513
Ponce De Leon Elplore Florida
summery It was the 1st conquistado to explor modern day U.S. They tried to find the Fountian of Youth but they have never found it Impotant Ponce De Leon came to Florida and claimes for the Spanish crown They were tring to find the Founian of Youth -
Jan 1, 1517
Posting of 95 Theses
Summery Pope demanded Luther recant the 95 theses but Luther refused. Luter began his own church known as Lutheranism so because of that Luther was cut from the church Importance He incurged people to qustion the clitism of the Catholic Church. -
Apr 27, 1521
Medieval Religion
Most Europens were Cathilc. Also food and clothing was bery bland and boring they wanted to live a pious holy life importance It was the only church that was created in that time The church was very powerful it could have even controled the kings -
Oct 31, 1521
Martin Luther Monk
Summery Luther began to qustion the church they posted the 95 theses october 31 and that marked the begging of the proprotestent. Three were killed for heresy importance He made sure the people read the bible proplery and took the correct messages from it -
May 1, 1533
Hernado De Sata Explores Mississippi River
summery They asked to explore the US. there was 620 men and 2 horses important him and his men became the first Eurpeans to econter The mississippi river and cross it -
Jan 1, 1540
Explores the Grand Canyon
summery This happen in spain. They were looking for 7 cities but the gold was never found Importance It was important becuase they had found gold and everyone found out and started comming and trying to find some -
Jan 1, 1550
Fugitive Slave Law
summery February 4,1793 guaranteet the t=right of a owners t recover and escaped slave and the law passed on september 18, 1850 importance Becuase slaves dont have to go threw all the hard working and beating any more they are free to do what they are want -
Massachusett Bay
summery This was about England they had thrre things and it was fish, lumber, ships. the things was sold was corn, fish,and lumber. They grow sea food, cranberrys, and live stock importance it took over the Dorchester company. -
Connectiat Establishment
summery At this oart farming was really hard only farmed enought for three families. They grew wheat and corn. importance The famers worked very had and they had to work day and night kind a like slaves -
Salemwitch trail
summery The girls begun to act crazy and the community was witch craft. Purtins were scared of the devil. important There was religis fear. They qustion the death penalty law -
French and Indiana war
Summery This fight was between France and England over the Ohio River Vally. The frech were nice the the Indians. Also Geroge Washington killed a French ambasadoe on accident importance Britian gained a lot of territory from this was and and they had diffrent colines -
Suger Act
Summery They put a three tax on suger. They also importation of Rum and French wines Importance It was one of the first instances in which colonist wanted to say how much they were taxed -
Stamp Act
Summery This was a tax that was put on American Colonist by the British. They had to pay taxes on newspapers,magazines,and legal documents Importance The people were forced to pay taxes on every peice of printed paper they used -
Boston Massacre
Summery The Boston Massacre occured when they opened fired to the colonist and killed five of them. They had taxs on tea,glass,paper.paint,and lead. important Several colnist were killed and this led to a campign by spech writers -
Gaspee Affair
summery In June 10 they set fire to the Gaspee and burning her. The British Royal Naveys sea officers were inlisted to help inforce costomes laws in America colonial ports important They were a big role of the independence in the years just for the revalution. -
Continental Congress
summery Congress created the Continental army on June 14, 1775 importance That was the first metting in the place that is called the Independence Hall The 13 colinist started than -
Winter in Valy Forge
summery The presdent Gerald Ford singed Legislation on the 4 of july. 1/3 of the men that arrived in Vally Forge had shoes importance He chose to make a winter camo for many reasons such as close Philidaphia, and keep his eye on british and protect the people -
War of 1812
summery The war was fauhut between the British Empire and the United States. The war ended when the Treaty of Ghent was singed at the end of 1814 importance It cuncluded almosy a quarter of a centery of politics and broke the power of the American Indians -
French Victory General Braddock killed
summery Finally they won against the British. Also there was three water ways. French also n=changed the name to Pittburgs Importance It was important becuase they finally won when the Britidh one it -
Louislana Purchase
summery The orignal price of 15 million worked out about c cents an acre. It was a large acre from the French. It was huge it was 828,000 square miles importance It is important becuase it gave the US control of the Mississippi river and the port city of New Orrlans -
Trail of Tears
Summery Cherokee Nation was forced to give up there lan East of the Missippi river. 15,000 Cherokee Indiands were removed by the US army. Imporance It was inportant because a lot of Indianas lost there ho me because they were forced to give it away and it was the only time whilte had did that -
organ trail
summery Hunderds and thounds traveld westwerd on the Organ Trail. It streched for 2,000 miles and thriugh 6 diffrent states importance There was a lot of walking and a lot of sickness -
Mexican american War
summery This was fought between the United States and Mexico. Mexico gave up around 55% of its territory to the U.S after the war
importance Beacuse it completed the United states and what they wanted -
Compromise of 1850
summery This was drafted by herry clay. This allowed California to be admitted as a free state importance Beuace there was five laws that influced that one and the slaves -
Underground Railroad
summery The underground Railroad was not a railroad it was a place were people escape. 100,000 slaves and even more escaped do to the underground Railroad importance it was important because people `that were slaves got free by the underground railrode and probaly it saved there lives -
Eman cipation Prodamation
summery Lincoln Actuall issued the Emaneipation proclamaion twice. Only applied to the stated in rebellion importance Becuase lincoln had it to only applied in rebellion -
Assassination Of Lincoln
Summery Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.He was killed in Ford Theater in Wahsington DC importance Everyone loved Lincoln we was going to do a lot for the counrty and he died -
Treaty of Paris
summery They recognized the indepence of the United States.Great Brita ratified on april 9 importance They relized not only that the 13 colinist were fee and independt nut the boundries between the United States and British