Jan 1, 1340
The Black Death
The black Death was a sickness killing half the population of the european population . The disease was passed along and was very countagiouse. There was no cure for it so they just let the people go through there course and they buried everyone together who died. This event is imprortant to America now, it helped us start to fugure out how to fix these medical issues, It also affected the us by getting us to realize that we are going to get medical problems and they can be passed along. -
Jan 1, 1488
Dias Voyage
Bartolomeu Dias was sent to Portugese to explore the coast of Africa, He was sent by King John II. In 1487 Dias departed, in January of 1488 he reached the tip of Africa & named this point of land The Cape Of Good Hope. This was important because he discovered more land. This was important to the USA by affecting the name of our land. -
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus Voyage:)
Christopher Columbus went on a journey to gain land for King Ferdinan and Queen Isabella they had a deal and then on August 3rd,1492 he set sail from Palos to Spain with 3 ships The Nina,Pinta,and Santa Maria. This was important to the us now because it was newly discovered land which gave us more people to trade with. -
Jun 11, 1509
King Henry VIII's 1st Marrige:)
King Henry VIIi's First marrige was his brothers wife. His brother died so he had to marry his brothers "EX" Wife which was the Queen of Aragon. This event was important america because if affected our ruler when we were apart if england. -
Oct 31, 1517
Posting the 95 Theses <3
Martun Luther posted the 95th theses on the Wittenberg church door, because he believed the church was lieing and that there teachings were rong. He also thought they were trying to get money out of people. This was important to America today because it helped how the churches are ran and how people feel about speaking out loud aginst churches. -
Jan 1, 1518
Cortez defeates the Aztecs: Summary
The aztecs beleived that there god would come sooner or later and when Cortez came they assumed he was the god so they did everything for him then he wanted the land so he enslaved them. He let his men come to, but deseases were already going around so when he and his men went there they gave there deaseases to the aztecs and they werent ammun to the sicknesses like Cortez and his men were so sooner or later they all died out in time. -
Jan 1, 1518
Cortez defeates the Aztecs: Importance
This was very important to history because it afeected the amount of tribes in america. It also affected the way some tribes feel about american people coming to there place. -
May 19, 1536
Anne Boleyn beheaded
King Henry Married Anne and then accused her of cheating. She went to court and her consiquense was to get beheaded so king Hery Beheaded her. This affected the us by affecting whp was married to king Henry and if we were going to have a Queen. -
Jan 28, 1537
king Henry gets a son
Jane Seymore gave birth to King Henrys first son "Edward" Jane Died while giving birth but still had Baby Edward. Henry wanted a son so when he died someone could take his place in the Family that was a boy. This affected who was gonna be out King or Queen when Henry dies. -
Sep 1, 1565
ST. Augustene est.
ST. Augustene was established by spanish conqestidor,King philip II sent men to get lang. It was founded 55 years before the pilgrems landed on Plymoth. This was important to america because it added on to our land. -
Roanoke colonization attempt
The 1st British colonization was 100 householders, 180 men went to the shore at Roanoke. It was Founded in July,1585 This was important to history because it added on to land -
Maryland Establishment:)
In 1632 King Charles I of England sent George Calvert to a charter, giving him rights to a reigon. berfore the settlement began, Gerorge died but his son kept going to establish Maryland . This is important because it adds on to our 13 colonies. -
Salem Witch Trials:)
The witch trials were a whole bunch of people getting hung because they were accused of witchery. It was basically a series of hearings & prosocutions for those being accused of being a witch This Impacted america about peoples veiws on witchery. -
French and Indian war: Summary
The french and Indian war lasted 7 years from 1754-1763. They fought over land & Trading rights in North America. This was a colonial Maninfestation of the same forces and tentions. This war was ended by the Treaty of paris in 1763. -
Treaty of paris
The treaty of Paris was a tready that ended the French and Indian war. This treaty was passed in 1763. This treaty states that the war will end. This affected who got what country.It also affected how long the war lasted. -
French and Indian war:Importance
This war was important because it affected how people felt about trading and how these men fought and felt about land. -
Stamp act:)
The stamp act was a tax put on paper passed by British parliment on March 22,1765. This event caused problems between the colonist and Brittish. This was important to history because it affected the veiws of the colonist. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Masscre was a fight or war between colonist & red coats. They fought because a red coat killed a colonist. This impacted the trust that the colonist had for the brutish. -
Bostin Tea Party
The bostin tea party was men throwing tea into a ocean because a tax put on tea and they didnt want to pay that tax. This is important to the US because it affected our taxes. -
Tea act:)
The tea act was a tax put on tea ro punish colonist wich caused the boston tea party. This tax was put on tea to punish colonist. This was imposrtant to the US because it helped develope the goverment. -
Battle of Saratoga
The battle saratoga was a reveloutinary war between the americans and brittish.In the fall of 1777 the american victory convinced the French Goverment to recognize the colonist. This was important to america becaus it also helped america gain independance. -
Tready of Paris
The Tready of Paris took place in1783. This treaty stopped the war between Great Britian & the united states. This affected america by ending the reveloutianary war and giving us peace. -
Rhode Island establishment:)
Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams in 1790. He perchased Rhode Island from some Indians. The 1st perminant provance was in 1636. This was important to history because it adds on to our 13 colonies and affects our populatoion for america. -
Under ground railroad :)
The underground rail road was a escape path made for slaves by Abolitionist so they could get away and go to a free country. This affected americas slaves and the percentage of them. -
Indian removal act:)
On May 28th,1830 congress passed the Indian removal act wich caused the trail of tears. This basically removed all the indians and made them move to president day oklahoma This was important to America bacause it affect our trust with the indians. -
Oregon Trail :)
Oregon Trail was a famouse trail that was 2,170 miles. Many pioneers had used this route for going to california. This was important because some parts of it is used for roads. -
Trail of tears:)
The trail of tears was a depressing time for the indians. Andrew Jakson had placed a indian removal act down. This moved all the indians to olkahoma. This affected our trust with the indians. -
Donner Party
In the spring of 1846 the Donner left Springfeild on there way to California and tried to take a short cut, but sadly the short cut was longer then there trip so they sooner or later ran out of food, they had to go canabalistic and ate each other. This affected america by giving us a life lesson. -
California gold rush:)
The califonia gold rush was everyone traveling to get gold and be rich. People traveled but spended there gold to get stuff on there way back. This impacted the population of california, and the money system. -
Fugitive slave law
The fugitive slave law was a law passed so southern people could get there slaves back when they ran away to the free states. This affected america with slaves. -
Uncle toms cabin
Uncle toms cabin was a story wrote so people would hate slavery. This book was used to get more abolonists. This affected pur slave laws. -
John Browns raid
John Browns Raid was in 1856 when John Brown and his 4 sons tried to tais a place in kansas. They were sticking up for the slaves and trying to free them. This affected America by our slave rate -
Assanation of Lincoln:)
On Aprin 15th,1865 John Wilkes Booth shot Abriham Lincoln. He shot him at Fords Theatre in washington DC. This was important to America because it affected who was our president and it sturred up issues. -
Battle of Lexington and concord
The Battle of Lexington and concord took place April 19,1775. This was between the 13 Colonies and the British Athorities. The 13 Colonies won. This had a impact on America now because the independance we gained then we have now.