Jan 1, 1095
The Crusades
summary: The crusades was a seris of holy wars fought between Chirstians and Muslims in Europe between 1095 through 1291 Importance: The Crusades were important because it expanded tterritories for European countries and increased trade. -
Jan 1, 1346
The black death
Summary; The black death was one of the most horrible diseases in Europe between 1346-1353 Importance: The black death was important because it killed so many people and helped start the rennasasce era -
Jan 1, 1513
Ponce Deleon explores Flordia
summary:In 1513 Ponce ships landed on Flordias coast. Importance: The exploration is Important because Flordia is now a state -
Jan 1, 1517
posting of 95 theses
Summary:The posting of the 95 theses was in 1517 posted by Martin Luther King. This was widley regarded as the initial catalyst for the prostesit reformation. Importance: The posting was important because it stared the protestant reforation movement -
Jan 1, 1519
Cortes defeat of Aztecs
Summary : The fighting began in 1519 and ended with victory 1521 Importance: The defeat was important because the aztec wouldn't be a problem anymore. -
Oct 12, 1537
King Henry gets a son
Summary: King Henry finally gets a son after his wives had daughters and misscarriges. His first son was Edward Importance: King Henry having his son Edward was important because edward would be the next king in line. -
Jan 1, 1540
Coronado explores Grand Canyon
summary :Coronado discovered the Grand Canyonn in 15240 while trying to look for gold Importance : The grand Canyon being explored was important because now its a big part of the United Styates where people visit it each day. -
Jan 1, 1543
King Henrys Vlls 1st marrige
summary:King Henry Vlls first marrige was to Catherine Parr. Henry wanted a son but Parr had a daughter so he divorced her shortly after. The marrige ended 1547 Importance : even though Henry didn't have a son the daughter he had with his first marrige had an important role in history -
Jan 1, 1565
St. Augustine established
Summary: St. Augustine was established 1565 Importance: The establishment was important because now it's a big part of the world. -
Massachetts Bay established
Summary: Massachusetts Bay is a colony that was created in 1630 because puritans wanted better living. Imporrtance : The establishment was important because now Massachusetts is a state. -
Connecticut established
Summary: Connecticut was one of the 13 colinies established 1636 importance; The establishment was important because connecticut is know a part of the u.s. being a state. -
King Phillips war
Summary; Also known as metacoms rebelion this war destroyed twelve frontier towns Importance: This war was important because it was the most devasting war between the colonists and native americans. -
Gen Braddock killed
Summary: Gen Braddock was a major general in the British army. He was dispatched to America In 1754 and killed in fire by gun. Importance: His deathg was important because he was a bad [person -
Sugar act
Summary: The sugar act was wstablished in 1764 it was a tax on all sugar Importance: This contributed to the American Revolution -
The stamp act
summary: The stamp act was established in 1765. It was the first direct tax tax on American colonists. The tax imposed a tax on all paper documents in the colonies. It was a tax on stamps. Importance: It was important because after the colonista got mad they declared independence. -
The Boston massacre
Summary : The Boston massacre happend on March 5th 1770 . We lost 5 colonists in the incident. The Massacre was a street fight throwing snow balls , sticks, and stones. Importance:The Boston Massacre caused tensions to rise enormously between the Americans and British because this was the first killing that occurred. The Americans realized that the British were not there to help them, but instead to put an end to their liberty. This was a leading cause to the Revolutionary War. -
Boston tea party
Summary : The boston te party happend December 17, 1773. They threw tea off of three ships because a tea on tax . Soon tea was boycotted. Importance: It gave colonists the confidence to stand up for themselves -
Olive Branch Petition
Summary : The olive branch petition was created by the second continental congress on July ,5th 1775 in attempt to bring peace and no war Importance:The Olive Branch Petition was important because it showed that the American colonies didn't truly want to break away from England. -
Common sense published
Summary: In 1776 writer Thomas Paine published his book common sense to explain his argument in favor of American independence. This caused a lot of riots but many people read it and started to vote for American in dependence. Importance: It was important because he said what so many people were thinking but didnt put in words. -
Battle of York town
summary: In 1781 the battle of Yorktown got created and took place in Virginia. The people fighting were the American and French aganist the British. Importance: It was the last major battle of the American Revolution. -
Treaty of Paris
summary: In 1783 the treaty of paris was created. It negotiated between the United states and Great Britain, it ended the revolution and reconigned American independence Importance : The treaty of paris was important because it ended the revolution war and made peple appreaciet American independence -
Rhode island established
summary: Rhode Island was one of the 13 colinies established May 29, 1790 Importance; The establishment was important because Rhode Island is now a state. -
Louisiana purchase
Summary : The U.S. bought Louisiana in 1803 buying 828,000,000 square miles of territory from France. The Louisana territory stretched from the Mississppi river in the East to the Rocky mountains in the West and from trhe Gulf of Mexico in the South Importance:The Lousiana purchase was important because Lousiana is know a state. -
Lewis And Clark expedition
Summary: The Lewis and Clark Expeditionalso known as thecorps of discovery was the firdst expeditionto cross what is now known as the Western portion of the United States Importance This esxpedition was important because they discoveredx many parts of the world. -
Trail of tears
In 1838 - 1839 as part of Ndrew Jacksons indian moving policy the Cherokee nation was forced to give up their home and walk 1,200 miles to Oaklahoma for a new home. Importance: It was Important because It moved Indians -
Underground Rail Road
Summary: The underground rail road was a network of secret stops and safehouses used by enslaved people in efferots to escape to freedom. Importance : It was important because it helped slaves escape to freedom. -
Fugitive state law
Summary : The fugitive slave law was part of the group of laws referring california as a free state. Importance: Its important because California is now a free state. -
Compromise of 1850
Summary: Senator Henry Clay introduced a seris of resolutions on January 29, 1850 in attempt to seek a compromise and avert a crisis Importance; The compromise is important because California is now a free state. -
The California goldrush
Summary: The California Gold rush took place between 1`848 -1855 . During this time gold was discovered in California . Over 3,000 people rushed to get gold. It was first discoverd by James Marshall near trhe cxity ofd Coloma. importance :The California goldrush was important because it made California valuble to America. -
Emincipation proclamation
Summary: President Abraham Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation on January 1st 1863 as the nation was in the third year of civil war it stated that all person held as slaves shall be free Importance : Its important because it proved Ab Lincoln still had power. -
Assassionation of Abraham Lincoln
April 15, 1865 John Wilkes a famous actor fatally shot Abraham Linncoln at Fords theather in Washington D.C. Importance: Lincolns Assassination was important because he did ednd slavery. -
Oregon Trail
Summary: The Oregon trail was a wagon route where most people had to walk 2,000 miles to find a new home thousands of people traveled West importance: The Oregon trail was important bvecause it helped people find homes.