The Story of Us

  • Jan 1, 1100


    the Crusades was a religious war between Christians and Muslims. Both of them wanted the Holy Land known as Jerusalem. Even though not musch was accomplished the Europeans did get introduced to many new things. This was important because Europeans were introduced to things such as food, spices, and instruments.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death or the Black Plague started in the 1300's. It came from rats on the ships that exported goods to Europe. It was a very bad disease but the people back the believed it was a punishment from God. this disease was so bad that it killed 1/3 of the population. This is important because it killed a lot of people. This was important because
  • Aug 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    He thought he reached India but it was NA. He had a total of four trips but never stepped foot in the United States. This is important so we know that the US wasn't founded by him.
  • Aug 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    Columbus was from Italy. He loved to study navigation. When he went on his first voyage he took three ships with him ; the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus started sailing west to reach the east. The only problem that he had was getting people to suppport his ideas. Columbus asked the king and queen of Spain for money for his trip. Columbus left Spain in August of 1492.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce de Leon

    Ponce de Leon
    Ponce de Leon explored the modern day U.S. He was the first conquistador to ever do that. He explored south and central Florida. He was very important to the people in Florida. This is important because the people of Florida named a lot of things afer him.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Posting of the 95 Thesis

    Posting of the 95 Thesis
    On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther posted the 95 thesis on the door of the Wittenburg Church. This started the Protestant Reformation. Later on the pope demanded Martin to take back his 95 Thesis. Since Luther refused to do this he was cut off from the church. This is important because Luther made him own church and religion known as Lutheranism.
  • Jan 1, 1518

    Cortes Defeat of the Aztecs

    Cortes Defeat of the Aztecs
    Hernan Cortez was a Spanish explorer. At the time Mexicans were controlled by the Aztec Indians. The Aztecs were the most powerful tribe and very religious. In 1518 Cortez went to Mexico to find gold. When Cortez got to Mexico he wiped out the whole populatin with a disease he brought. This is important so we know not to go find gold.
  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boleyn Beheaded

    Anne Boleyn Beheaded
    Anne Boleyn was once married to King Henry. She was his 3rd wife. King Henry was trying really hard with his previous wives to get a son but that failed and they all gave him daughters. When he married Anne and she gave him a 3rd daughter King Henry beheaded her. This is important so people know to give him a boy.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    King Henry gets a Son

    King Henry gets a Son
    After several attempts at trying to get a son from his 3rd wife Jane Seymous. They named him Edward. But sadly after she had the baby she died. Later on Edward became king. This was important because King Henry got his son.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Cornado Explores Grand Canyon

    Cornado Explores Grand Canyon
    Cornado was a Spain explorer in 1540. He was exploring the Southwestern U.S. He started exploring becuase he was looking for the 7 cities of gold. Coronado was known to be the first European to explore the Grand Canyon. This is important so we know who was the first to see the Grand Canyon.
  • Roanoke Colonization

    Roanoke Colonization
    In 1585 the queen of England wanted to explore race. She hired a man named Walter Raleigh and 500 colonists. She wanted them to start a colony in Virginia. The called it Roanoke. When he went back to England to get supplies he came back to a vanished colony. This is important because it inspired England to colonize again.
  • Jamestown est.

    The leader of Jamestown was John Smith. Later on John Rolfe began shipping tobacco from Jamestown to England. This is important because eventually Jamestown got better.
  • Jamestown est.

    Jamestown est.
    Jamestown was a colony started by Virgina people. King James gave permission for 144 men to go start Jamestown. They had three ships ; the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery. in 1607 the Virginians arrived. There was very bad land. By the time of 1609 there was only 53 people left. By the end of 1609 400 more sttlers arrived. But that changed by the time of 1609-1610. It was winter and it was known as the hard times. Now there was only 52 people left.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch Trials were in 1692. The witches at this time were those who followed Satan. Salem was a town with a proprosperous port at the center of trade with England. Most people who lived in Salem were wealthy merchants. Salem got a church in 1674. Many people were against witches. This is important because now there are no witches.
  • The French & Indian War

    The French & Indian War
    The French and Indian War was between 1754 and 1763. This war was fought between England and France. This war was started because both wanted control of the Ohio River. When the war first started British had a bad start. The strongest alliance that the British had was with England. In the end England was most powerful and Indians got nothing but bad colonists.
    This is important because they both got something back, good or bad.
  • General Braddock Killed

    General Braddock Killed
    General Braddock was a British soldier. In June of 1755 he took his troops to attack Fort Duquesne. Before they even arrived they were attacked by natives on July 9, 1755. But the war started before that in 1754. England didn't want to lose their land. When the war started the British had a bad start. General Braddock ended up dieing. This is important because the British came back and started doing good.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    The Albany Plan of Union was made by Benjamin Franklin. It was made in 1755 for the 13 colonies. Ben Franklin said that all the colonies should come together. Because of this the British colonies formed an alliance. Most of the colonists would rather stay independant. This is important because some of the colonies eventually came together.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Parliment placed a tax on sugar. There was a quote made and it is "No taxation without representaion." This was because there was no colonial representation in parliment. This is important because it led to Revolutionary Wars.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was in 1765. This act was where parliment placed a tax on all printed papers. This was the 1st direct tax on the colonists. The Stamp Act Congress was John Dickinson. He asked King George III for help with Parlient. Because they didn't get help the boycotted. Later on the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766. This was important becasue it was the first direct tax on the colonists.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act started in 1765. This act allowed British soldiers to come into peoples homes and take whatever the want. This means that the soldiers come in take their food, take their places to sleep and even take over their home and send them to the shed or somewhere else. It really wasn't fair at all. This is important because it isn't happening anymore.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party happened in 1773. It wsa the tea tax. This required colonists to only buy Britsh Eas India Company tea nd placed tax on tea. On December 16, 1773 the Sons of Liberty dumped the British East India Tea in the Boston Harbor. This was important because the British blocked the port that they had and realized the made a mistake doing that.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    The Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson. At first only 2 stated came to make it official. By May 25 there was 7. Finally after a lot ofo debating it was able to be signed. John Hancock's signature was the biggest. It was signed on July 4th. This is important because it gave us freedom.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    In 1777 George Washington and his men went to Valley Forge. When the got there they suffered a horrible winter. A lot of people got frostbite and they were dieing from diseases. A soldier named Stuben came to help the US because they were doing bad against the British. This is important because it helped the US gain respect and courage.
  • Uderground Railroad

    Uderground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was something that helped slaves escape. It is not actually what it's called. By that I mean that it wasn't underground and it wasn't a railroad. Along this trail there was people that helped the slaves escape. The only bad thing about this is that the further south you were the harder it was to escape. This was importnant because it was something that helped slaves.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was in 1803. It expanded from the Mississippi River to the east Rocky Mountains. Also it was in the south tip. It was best for America to expand west which they did. they wanted to purchase New Orleans because it was a major seaport. This is important because it expanded more land.
  • Lewis & Clark Expedition

    Lewis & Clark Expedition
    The Lewis and Clark Expidition was made to find a Northwest Passage. Lewis and Clark were sent by Thomas Jefferson. Along the way they were introduced to many new things. They also met many indians along the way. This is important because it was a turning point for Indians and American west. Also they found a passage.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears began in May of 1838. This was basically U.S. trroops making Cherokee Indians levase their homes. The leader of this was the 7th presidnet Andrew Jackson. Indians were crowded in camps when they were forced to leave. The U.S. troops were making them leave because they wanted to sell the land to make room for settlers. This was important because the Indians fought for themselves even though they lost.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    A guy named John Sutter built sutters fort in 1839. In 1848 he hired a guy by the name of James Marshall to build a sawmill. While he was digging in the dirt he found gold. When people found out they rushed to California. There was a group called the 49ers. This was important because it gave people the opportunity for better jobs and California got more population.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    over 200,000 men, women, and children traveled the Oregon Trail. It took 5 monts to travel this trail. The first time it was only 58 people. Two years later 875 peopole went. This was important because many people traveled it.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was important for the north and the south. This was important so every state would be equal. This meant the number of free slave states and slave states equal. California messed up everything. After this a guy named Henry Clay came up with a compromise. He said " each side gives something up to accomplish something." This is important because they eventually came up with an agreement.
  • John Browns Raid

    John Browns Raid
    John Brown was a radical abolotionst. He wanted to start a slave rebellion. He wanted to give weapons to all the slaves and the arsenal Harper's Ferry in Virginia. When Brown and his 9 sons started to attack they were caught. The Southern people thought that John Brown was like the northerns but the northerners thought he was crazy. This is important because he tried to hepl the slaves.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg lasted three days. It was July 1, 2, and 3rd. This battle was between the North and the South. On the 2nd day General Chamberlin had his hill secured. On the 3rd day General Prickett attacked ridge but the union forced the Confederate to retreat. This is important becuse it was a turning point for the civil war.
  • Assassination of Lincoln

    Assassination of Lincoln
    The assassination of our 16th president Abraham Lincoln happened on April 14, 1865. Lincoln was going to see a play at Ford's Theater. He arrived a couple minutes late. This night he gave his bodyguard the night off. Around the 3rd part of the play Lincoln was shot by John Wikes Booth. After he shot him he jumped down on the stage and yelled something. Lincoln was taken to a house across the street and died that night. This was important because they caught the killer.