The Story of US (4th)

  • Jan 1, 1100

    Vasco da gama Voyage

    Vasco da gama Voyage
    Vasco Da gama's voyage was in India. He was going yo sail to the tip of south Africa. This is important because if gama never went to India he wouldn't be famous.
  • Jan 1, 1100


    The Crusades were religious wars between christiasn and the muslims. They were fighting over the Holy Land. They did not accomplish many things. However Eurpeans were introduced to many new things, such as food and spices. The Crusades are important because without it there wouldn't be someone who owns the Holly Land.
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The plague happened in the 1340's. The black death killed 1/3 of the European population. More than 25 million people died in 5 years. It is important because it was a time where a lot of people died.
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Dias Voyage

    Dias Voyage
    Dias sailed in 1488. During his voyage he sailed to the mouth of the Congo. He found the southern Tip of Africa if he never done his voyage The Southern Tip would be named something different.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    Columbus's Voyage was when Columbus discocered America. Coulmbus is known as the founder of our land. It is important because if Columbus never took this voyage he would never have found America.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    King Henry's First Marriage

    King Henry's First Marriage
    King Henry's first marriage was with Catherine of Aragon. She was a spanish Catholic Princess. During his first marriage his wife had many miscarriages. But she ended up having a girl named Mary. When King Henry wanted a divorce but the catholic church didn't let him get a divorce. This is important in history because if he never married her her wouldn't have changed his religion.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    De Soto explores Mississippi River.

    De Soto explores Mississippi River.
    De Soto was exploring the Southern portion of the U.S and saw the Mississippi river. This is important because if De Soto never found the Mississippi River someone else would've and they would have gotten famous for it and not De Soto.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Anne Boleun Beheaded

    Anne Boleun Beheaded
    Anne Boleyn was KIng Henry's sencond wife. Anne Boleyn ended up pregant. but she had a girl named Elizabeth. King Henry had her beheaded. It's important in History because if she never got beheaded King Henry wouldn't have gotten married with anyone else.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    King Henry gets a Son

    King Henry gets a Son
    King Henry got married for the third time. He married Jane Seymour. He finally got his son, named Edward. But Edward died when he was only 15 years old. This is important in History because if that never happened he would never been able to become King and King Henry would never have gotten his son.
  • Jan 1, 1565

    St. Augstine Est

    St. Augstine Est
    St. Agustines's first permanent was European settlement in the United States. St. Agustine was establishment by Pedro de Aviles in 1565. It is important becaause without it Pedro de Avlies would not have been known for establishing St Agustine.
  • Jamestown Est

    Jamestown Est
    Jamestwon was started by 144 men. King James I send them to start a new colony in Virginia. Jamestown was a named after King James I. Jamestown was a bad lan. It was very swampy and had lots of problems. In 1608 200 more colonists arrived to Jamestown but by 1609 there was only 53 people left. If Jamestown was never found King James I would never have owned that land.
  • Maryland Est.

    Maryland Est.
    In 1633 Maryland was Established. Maryland was the 1st proprlrtary land. Whch means that the governor could do anythiing that they wanted with the land. If Maryland was never Established it wouldn't have been the 1st propirtery land.
  • Kaing Philip's War

    Kaing Philip's War
    kKing Philip's war was in 1675. It lasted until 1676. In King Philip's War Canada surrendered. This war is important because if it never happened king Philip wouldn't have a war named after him in 1675.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian Wae happened in 1754. The cause of the war was over the Ohio River Valley. Natives took the French side of the war. Washington kills a french embassador by mistake then the war starts. The french win the French and Indian War. If the French and Indian War never happened no one would have the Ohio River Valley.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act happened in 1765. During the stamp Act Parliment placed a tax on printed materials. The Stamp Act congress, John Dickinson wrote the Declaration of rights and grievances. The Stamp Act is important because without it John Dickinson wouldn't have written the Declaration of rights or Grievances.
  • Quarting Act

    Quarting Act
    The Quarting Act happened in 1765. The quarting act was from March 24, 1765 until March 24, 1767. It is about colonist were required to give Brirish soilders a place to live and provide them with food. It is important because if it never happened soilders wouldn't have a place to eat and sleep.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea party happened in 1773. The Boston tea party was because the tea tax was very expensive. On December 16, 1773 people were tired of paying tax for tea in the British harbor.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act was passed by parliament on May 10,1773. The Tea Act required colonist to only buy British East India Company tea and placed tax on the tea. It is important because if it never happened people would still have to pay tax for the tea.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    The 2nd Continental Congress was held in Pennsylvania. They get to meet 3 week after the lexington battle, which was in may 1775. This is important because if we didn't have this congress they would've had many problems with After the battle of lexington.
  • Winter at Valleyforge

    Winter at Valleyforge
    Winter at Valleyforge was the winter where British soilders spent during when they were practicing for the War. Winter at Valleyforge is important because that is the winter that they learned how to fight and learned how to fight and learned how to live with very few supplies.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris happened in 1783. The reason for the Treaty of Paris is because the U.S and great britin wanted to negotiatte. Also The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary war and got America their Independece. The Treaty of Paris is Important because It gave America Independence.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty pf paris happened in 1783. The reason for the Treaty of Paris is because the U.S and Great Britian wanted to negotiate. Also the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary war and gave America their Independence. That is why this is important.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 happened in June, 1812 and ended in january 1815. The war started when the U.S declared war against Britan. The Fighting started in July 1812 Many Redcoats died in July 1812. America won the war. The civil war is important because it helped president Andrew Jackson win Presidenty in 1828.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal act was in 1830 when the congress was urged by the president Andrew Jackson and he wanted to pass a law that gave the government the power to face any native american.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Trail of Tears happened in the 1830's. It happened because people marched 1,200 miles to Eastern Oklahoma. Thousands died from different diseases. That is how the Trail of Tears started.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail happened in 1843.The Oregon trail stretcjes from Missouri to Oregon. The journey lasted 4-6 months. THe wagons were small and barley 2 people could fit in them. The journey was challenging . This was important becuse without it there wouldn't be a trail to travel to.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The california gold rush started when a man named James Marshall found gold. Then the word spread and everyone all around the U.S went to California to find gold. This is important becusae it never happened the gold rush wouldn't have exsited and it wouldn't have made many people around the world go to California.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Compromise of 185- had 5 different parts. All 5 different parts include to be a free state so there wouldn't be any slaves. This is important becaise withoout it there would still be slaves in 1850's.
  • John Brown Raid

    John Brown Raid
    John Brown's Raid was in 1859. John Brown was a radical abolitionist. He wanted to start a slave rebellion. He made a plan with his 9 sons to help free the slaves. But the plan failed becuase no one told the slaves about the plan. This is important bwcause if it never happened Northerners wouldn't have thought that he was crazy.
  • Underground railroad

    Underground railroad
    The underground Railroad was a network of people and place that helped slaves to be free. It was a hard to escape because there was many dangers. Harriet Tubman was the conductor of the underground railroad. This was important because if it never happened many slaves wouldn't be able to escape and be free.
  • Battle of Gettsburg

    Battle of Gettsburg
    Battle of Gettysburg happened on July 1-3. Gen. Lee led offensive attack. On the 3rd day of the fighting ge. Pickett attacked the ridge. The union won the war. This is important because it made a turn in the civil war.
  • assasination of linclon

    assasination of linclon
    Abraham Lincoln was assassinted on April 14,1865 by John Wilkes Booth. He was killed during a play at Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C. Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head and jumped on stage and broke his leg and ran off. Some people took Lincoln to a house across the street and a docter tried to take the bullet out. This is important because if he never died in the theter it wouldn't still be there.