The Story of Us

  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a sickness disease spreading.The Black Death killed mostly everybody.This was a impact of america because it was exploration.
    Important;The Black Death important because they had to find cures for modern days so, everyone will be health and less people will die.
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Dais Voyage

    Dais Voyage
    Bartolomeu Dias sailed to the tip of South Africa.Prince Henry the Navigator created a school to teach about navigation. He thought about navigation. Important; The Dias Voyage is important because he thought people how to use a navigator when traveling.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    In 1492,Christopher Columbus explored.He believe if you sail west you can reach east.King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella gave him supplies and money to explore.The king and queen gave him supplies some he can go calm land for them.He landed in Caribean not in the U.S. He trade goods between Europe and Americans. Important;The Columbus Voyage is important because Christopher Columbus traded goods between Europe and America.
  • Jul 8, 1497

    Vasco de Gama Voyage

    Vasco de Gama Voyage
    Vasco da Gama sailed to India around the tip of South Africa. Important; The Vasco Gama Voyage is important because he sailed to India around the tip of South Africa.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    King Henry VII's 1st marriage

    King Henry VII's 1st marriage
    King Henry Viii's 1st marriage was important because he wanted a son by his wife.His first wife had a miscarriage and had a baby boy who died.King Henry needed a on to pass the throne.It’s a caused for new religious and made people to move.He had a girl by his first wife.They got a divorce.
    Important;The King Henry Viii's 1st is important because it caused for new religious and made people move.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida
    Juan Ponce de Leon explored in 1513.He was the first conquistador to explore modern day U.S. Juan explored south and central Florida. Important;The Ponce de Leon explores Flordia important because Florida wouldn’t be here today without him. It wouldn’t be discovered.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    King Henry Viii est. Anglican Chruch

    King Henry Viii est. Anglican Chruch
    King Henry created his own church.King Henry wanted a divorce but,the church didn’t want him to get one.So,he wrote a letter to the Pope.The pope refused.he move to make his own church so, no one could tell him that he can’t get a divorce. Important; This is important to history because people was being mistreated and wanted a free religious between religion.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    DeSoto explores Mississippi River

    DeSoto explores Mississippi River
    DeSoto started traveling in 1533.DeSoto explored the southeastern portion of the U.S. Believed Desoto was the first European to see the Mississippi River. Important; The DeSoto explores Mississippi River important because he found the river and it is apart of the U.S today.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Anne Boelyn beheaded

    Anne Boelyn beheaded
    King Henry beheaded his second wife Anne Boleyn because he thought she was with the enemy.He thought she was seeing other people.He thought she was going behind his back and talking with the enemy.He thought she was giving information to others. Important;The Anne Boleyn beheaded is important because it tells when you tell what the enemy what’s going on you never know the consequence.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    King Henry gets a son

    King Henry gets a son
    King Henry receive a baby boy.He had a boy by his love of his life Jane Seymour.He really love Jane Seymour,but Jane died during childbirth Henry son death lead to Mary being a queen and started to explore america.So, America was explored because of this. Important;The King Henry important because Mary became queen and started to explore America.
  • Jamestwon est.

    Jamestwon est.
    Jamestown was the first perament colony.Virgina company found Jamestown.King James gave permission to 144 to start a colony in 1607,they arrived and named Jamestown to honor their King James I. They have bad land.John Smith was the leader of Jamestown. Important Jamestown est. is important because it was the first permanent colony.
  • New York est.

    New York est.
    New York was Dutch comlony.New York had four trades.New York was the 1st synagogue.New York was claimed in 1664 by King Charles of England.New York named for his brother Duke of York.In 1702, New York and New Jersey. Important; The New York est. is important because it is apart of the U.S today.
  • Washington kills French Ambassador

    Washington kills French Ambassador
    The Virginia governor Robert Dinwiddie sent George Washington to try and set peace with the French.George Washington actually accidentally killed a French ambassador.That’s how the French and INdian War started. Important;Washington kills French Ambassador important because the French and Indian war started.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War begun and ended in 1754 through 1763.They had this war because they fought over the Ohio River Valley.The French treated the Natives fought on their side.the British won these lands.
    Important ;French and Indian War is important because they fought over the Ohio River Valley.
  • Treaty of Paris ,1763

    Treaty of Paris ,1763
    The Treaty of Paris actually ends war.There are four sides involved in the Treaty.the Treaty did many things for France.Treaty lost all holdings in North America.They kept sugar producing in the Carribean.In Spain.the treaty gave them all land west and gave the east to England.
    Important;Treaty of Paris is important because this ends war.
  • Proclaimation Act

    Proclaimation Act
    The Proclaimation Act was in 1763.Pontiac attacked British Forts.England land was broke.The king didn’t have no money to pay for wars.No British settlers west of Appalachain Mountaims.The put this attack together because England didn’t want to have anymore wars because they could not afford so,they made this act. Importance;The Proclamation Act is important because this allowed the England not to have war.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was approved in 1765.The Quartering Act was about colonist giving the soldiers a place to live and provide them with food.The soldiers could just walk into your home and you would have take care of them. Important;The Quartering Act is important because they have to give up their house in order for the soldiers to live.The soldiers protect our country so, that mean they come in your when they wanted to.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a big argument that turned into a riot. The mob was respond with insults and ice chunks. Captain Preston was losing control of his soldiers.The club hit a British soldier.The British soldier starting firing. Preston and his soldiers was accused of murder got arrested. Importance;The Boston Massacre is important because couple soldiers got arrested because they were the first to fire and this started a riot.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    The 1st Continental Congress was on Sept.5,1774.The congress was in Philadelphia.There were 55 delegates for 12 colonies.The Declaration of Rights & Grievance was written.Declared loyalty to the king but condemned the Coercive Acts. They will meet again in a 1 year. Importance;The 1st Continental Congress is important because the Declaration of Rights and Grievance was written and declared loyalty to the king but condemned the Coercive Act.
  • Winter at valley Forge

    Winter at valley Forge
    The Valley Forge was located in Pennsylvania. When Washington and soldiers stayed in Valley Forge in the winter because they don’t fight during the winter. They stayed in tents and it was extremely cold.⅓ of the soldiers died because of cold,illness, and lack of supplies.Marquis de Lafayette teaches them how to march. Importance:The Valley Forge important to the United States because Marquis de Lafayette teach them how to march so,later on the U.S. will know how to march.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point.The American defeated the British.France became our alliance.France was the first country that recognize the American as good people.Spain joined our side in 1779.They gain more alliances.Battle made French joined our side.After the battle France started given supplies to us. Importance;The Boston Massacre is important because couple soldiers got arrested because they were the first to fire and this started a riot.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The general for Yorktown is Gen.Cornwallis.He was British.He wants to know what Washington is doing.Benedict Arnold betray Patriots and given secret to the British. The battle started when Washington marched south of Virginia and surround the British.French Fleet surround the British also.The war ended on Oct.9,1781.The U.S won the battle of Yorktown. Importance:The Battle of Yorktown is important because the U.S. won this battle Importance;
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830

    Indian Removal Act of 1830
    The Indian Removal Act was very harsh.This act moved the Indian for their land to move east.Indian had nowhere to go.They was force to live their homes because of they wanted their land.Andrew Jackson dislike the Indians so, he wanted their land.The Act was signed on May 28,1830.
    Important;The Indian Removal Act of 1830 is important because the Indians was mistreated by Andrew Jackson.
  • Trails of Tears

    Trails of Tears
    The Trails of Tears was when they was moving east.4,000 Cherokees died on this trail.The Indian was force to move east so,they can sell their land.Many Indian died on trail.
    Important;Trails of Tears is important because caused a act to be enforce Indian Removal Act in 1830.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trails is when the americans was moving west.This when people was creating their own trails.The Oregon Trail was the most traveled trail.The trail was filled with hardships,danger, and death.There were many deaths on this trail including starvation,disease,snake bites,losing the trail. Important;The Oregon Trail was important because this was the most dangerous trail and many people died on this trail.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    The Donner Party was a group of people that traveled on land to get their.They traveled in wagons and horses.They stocked flour in the transportation.They got stuck in a snowstorm in Oct.1846 they stayed in Sierra Nevada Mountain.they was rescued them 4 months ago only 87 member survived.They called the 49ers they became rich.
    Important; The Donner Party is important because they was a group that got stuck and only 87 members survived and became rich.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush was in 1849.The California Gold Rush was a huge impact of America.the gold Rush cause the population to increase.Marshall found the gold and wanted to keep it a secret ,but everyone knew about it and they was heading to California.
    Important;California Gold Rush is important because they discovered gold and population increases in California.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad is were slaves escaped for freedom.People that like the slaves helped them escaped for their slavery.They had station were the slaves can eat and sleep.One Slave got outland help other slaves escape to she know as “Moses” but her real name was harriet Tubamn.It was netwoek of people that helped,but the farther south was the hard to travel to escape. Important; The Underground Railroad is important because the slaves were escaping for their freedom.
  • Fugitive Slave law

    Fugitive Slave law
    The Fugitive Slave Law was harsh because all citizen were required to help return runaway slaves.The result will be $1,000 find and/or 6 months in jail.The judge receives $10 for each and only $5 to allow them to stay in the North. Important; Fugitive Slave Law is important because all citizen had to help return runaway slaves or given jail time of fine.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was between north and south.The north had industrial lots of factories,low paid factories,low paid workers, high population,and many cities.The south had agricultural,lots of farms,slaves, fewer people,and more spread out.They wanted to make the states even,so they won’t be powerful than another,but California wanted to be free state.Southern congress was upset.Henry Clay created the Compromise.The compromise is that each side had to give up somethingup.Important;madeequal
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred Scott was a slave.His owner was a military doctor who lived in Missouri.Since his owner is a military doctor he moved a lot.He moved to Wisconsin with Dred Scott. Wisconsin is a free state so,that mean Dred Scott was free.the owner was moving back to Missouri and Dred Scott refuse to go because he was free now.Dred sues him for his freedom.This trail led all the way to the Supreme Court, but the court said he have to go back with his owner. Important;Led to the Supreme Court for hisfreedom
  • Assanation of Lincoln

    Assanation of Lincoln
    In 1865, Lincoln was decease at the Theater.He arrived late and everyone cheered when he arrived.Lincoln sat in a chair on the balcony. John Booth shot Lincoln in the head through the glass.They brung Lincoln across the street so,they can find the bullet in his head.Lincoln was dying slowly. He died that morning. Important; The Assassination of Lincoln is important because he was our 16th President of the U.S.Everyone liked him.