The Story Of Us

  • Apr 28, 1091


    The Crusades were religious wars that were fought over the holy land Jerusalem. The war was between the christians and the muslims. This was important for discovery in religion. Also this was our first war.
  • Jan 1, 1111

    William Pitt

    William Pitt
    William Pitt was the new Prime Minister of England. Pitt knew that England needed a better military in order to win. He began to give money towards the war. This was important because it made it harder for the Patriots.
  • Apr 30, 1340

    Black Death

    The black plague killed 1/3 of the European population in 5 years. People believed it was a consequennce delivered from god. This was important because it was medical discovery and this changed the world.
  • Apr 28, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Voyage

    A soldier from Italy believed you could sail West to reach East. King Ferdinand and Queen Kabey gave him money and supplies. There was three ships Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. Landed in Carribean, not the US.
  • Apr 28, 1513

    Juan Ponce De Leon

    He was the first conquistador to explore modern day Florida. This was important because another one of our states was discovered.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Posting of the 95 thesis

    A monk named MArtin Luther began to question the teachings of the church. Oct,31,1517 he postec 95 thesis against the church. This marked the beginning of the protestant reformation.
  • Apr 30, 1521

    Martin Luther Excommunication

    Because Luther refused to take back the 95 thesis he was excommunicated . He began his own church called Lutherism. This was important because it started a new religion.
  • Apr 30, 1533

    De Soto

    De Soto began exploring the Southeatern part of the US. He was believed to be the fisrt to see Missippi River. This was important because he just discovered one of the most known lakes.
  • Apr 30, 1536

    Anne Boleyn

    King Henry married Anne Boleyn, she had a daughter but he needed a son. He had her beheaded. This shows how cruel our government was.
  • Aug 31, 1540

    Coronado Explores Grand Canyon

    Coronado Explores Grand Canyon
    Coranado explored the Southwestern US. He was looking for the Seven cities of Cibola. He was believed to be the first to see the Grand Canyon. This was important because this was a historical sight he explored.
  • Jamestown

    Virginia compound founded Jamestown. King James gave 144 men
  • Colonization

    Virginia compound founded Jamestown. King James gave 144 men permission to start a colony in Virginia. It's name was for King James. This was important because it was our first colony.
  • French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war started when George Washington had a frindlt fire and killed an ambassador. This was important because it started the war.
  • Gen. Braddock

    Gen, Braddock and his troops were attacked by natives. Gen. Braddock was killled. This was important because it gave America a great advantage.
  • Stamp Act

    Parliment placed a tax on printed materials. It was the first direct tax on colonists. House of Burgesses said only VA representatives could tax VA residents. This was important because it started a chain of taxes.
  • Proclemation Act

    Pontiac, a native leader attacked the British forts. England didnt want anymore wars. Because they were broke. There was no British settlers west of the Appalation Mountains. This was important because the British were at a downfall.
  • Sugar Act

    Parliment placed a tax on sugar and molasses imported from other countries. James Otis said "No taxation without represntation." There was no colonial representation. This was important because it started James Otis's new law.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Concord had a miltia supply depot. British wanted take the supplies. April,18,1775 british moved to Concord. Lots of people warn colonies. The next day the British arrive. "Called the shot heard around the world" This was the first battle of the Revolution.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Gen. Cornwallis wanted to march to Virginia to rally Britis troops. Bennadict Arnold betrayed Patriots. Goerge Washington surrounded the British. This was the surrendering point of the British troops.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Lord North officially signed the Treaty of Paris on Sep,3,1783. This the official end of war. This was important because it ended the war.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    In 1803 the US bought a large peice of land from the French. This was important beause, it the largest purchase of land. It doubled the size of the US. We gaine even more land.
  • Trail of tears

    Trail of tears
    In May of 1813 troops began removing Cherokee Induans from their homes. Andrew Jackson told them to force them over 800 miles to Oklahoma, this was important because it showed how cruel our government was.
  • Oregan Trail

    Oregan Trail
    During the 1900s people began hearing about a gold rush in California, so people started to travel on a trail. They would leave their fmailies promising to come back rich. This was important because it was the first major gold rush.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Started by Isaac Sears. He held demonstraions to show dislikevfor the taxes. This was important because, it was the first malitia to go against the parliment.
  • Hernan Corte

    In 1519 a man named Hernan Cortez went to Mexico to find gold. They thought he was Quetzal Coatl. He destroyed their empire by bringing disease to them.