The Story of Us

  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Black death was a plaque that wied ou after of the population of England . This was impotant beacuse they peolpe who did survived the plaque found a route to Asia were they bought back spices and things
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyege

    Columbus Voyege
    Columbus wnated to sail west to reach the east and find a route , he never did find the route but he did discover the Caribbean . This is mportant becausde he discover beuantiful laand , also beausae he was the first European to sail off to America so he thought .
  • Jan 1, 1509

    King Henry 1st Marriage

    King Henry 1st Marriage
    Henry had anrranged marrige with his brother wife Catherine . during the marrige Henry wanted son but Catherine gave brith to a girl . The event was imporntant beacuse king asked for a divorce and when the pope didn't give it to him he spit from the catholic chruch.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon

    Juan Ponce de Leon
    Thespanish explorer discoved what we call Flordia today . This was important beacuse he was the first spanish conqustador to explore morrdern day U.S.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    The Postings of The 95 Theies

    The Postings of The 95 Theies
    After being part of the Catholic Martin Luther felt that their mathods wasnt't right so he posted 95 things about the chruch and posted them on the Wittenberg chruch door. This was impornat because martin luther made alot of trouble with sepatating from the chruch
  • Jan 1, 1518

    Cortez Defeat of Aztecs

    Cortez Defeat of Aztecs
    Herman cortez went to mexico to find gold but instead he gained an ememy . he end up bring diseses to the Azrec empire and destroyed it.
    This was important beacuse the fall of empire destoryed the farming and industrial import company .
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Anne Boleyn Behead

    Anne Boleyn Behead
    King was getting mad that his wife Anne wasn't giving him the son he always wanted so he came up with the story that she was having affair , so he had her and the man he thought she was involed with behead Thsi was impotant because after this wife he marrys another women who gives him his son , Edward .
  • Jan 1, 1537

    King Henry get a Son

    King Henry get a Son
    king Henry gets a son but the only women he really loved died during child birth . After a few months he died giving the thorn to his son but he died too . this was impotant becasue when king Henry and his son died the thorn was given to his frist child which was Mary once Mary was queen she changed the relgion back to cathioc ,when Elilzbeth found out the killed Oueen Mary .
  • Jan 1, 1540


    Coronado was a spanish explorer , he explored the southwestern of the US . He began trip ooking for the Seven Cities of Cibola which was gold he found the garnd Canyon. This was importnat because he was the 1st European to see the Grand Canyon about the biggest national parks in America today.
  • Jan 1, 1553

    De Soto

    De Soto
    De Soto was a Spanish explorer ,he began exploring the Southeastern side of the US. Where he discovered the Mississippi River . This is important because De Soto was believed to be the 1st European to see the Mississippi River
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was a colony that was colonized when King James gave perrmisson for 144 men to sail for new land. This was impotant beacuse the land Jamestown was the frist colony to be colonized althorugh it didn't do to good .
  • Plymouth

    Separtatists separrted form the Anglican chruch and got permisson from their king to move to holland this lead up to the first Thanksgiving .
    This was important because different type of people start to feel that they should be treated right so they make there own colones
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Massachusetts Bay
    Massachusetts Bay was a colony colonized by the purtians beacuse didn't like what their king was doing . they wanted the coloy to be purify but they did't better then what King Charles 1. was doing.
  • Carolinas

    Carolina colony was established but soon split into a North & South.
  • New York

    New York
    The Netherlands was renamed New York by King Charles , New york was the synagogue . This was imporant because later much later a very important battle will be frought in New York .
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Parliament placed a tax on sugar & molasses This was important beacuse the colonist did't feel they were being treated right by their king and parliament so James Otis came up with this motto " No taxition without representation .
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act was a tax put on printed marterials . this was the first tax put on things the colonist needed . This was important beacuse Isaac Sears started the group son of liberty , and they boycotted the marterials .
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    1773 paliment out a tax on east india company tea the law wa that colonist couldn't buy tea from no where else . This was important beacause the Son of Liberty got on the boat, where the tea was and dumped it into the harbor this was known as the Bostan Tea Party .
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    55 delegates met up to disscus the issuse between the parliament and king George This was important because after this meeting they all agree to met up next year to discuss the plan on how to breakaway from parliament and King George .
  • Lexington & Concord

    Lexington & Concord
    Lexington & Concord was a battle , British wanted to take the supplies before the
    colonists could get to them so they would have the advantage. This was important because this was the first battle For our fight for freedom .
  • Winter of Valley Forge

    Winter of Valley Forge
    The winter of valley forge was one of the hardest time of the Revlonary war . Geroge Washgton was the leader and how ahrd he tried he couldn't motive his troops to keep moving , most troops didn't have shoes and warm cloths to wear . This sad and dangerous event was important because Thoams Paine wrote the parlet Common sense which motived he soilders .
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Battle Of Yorktown
    The battle of yorktown was the last battle of the Revolutionary War .
    Thsi battle was important because this battle that America won made aus a free country.
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    The Lousiana Purchase was a French terriorty untill America bought it .
  • Lewis & Clark

    Lewis & Clark
    The Lewis & Clark Expesition was a jouney two men had to take their orders were given by President Thomas Jefferson shortly after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, He wanted them to exploxer the land America had just bought .
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The trail of tears was a path the natives had to take when Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy was put to order . The natives called the path the tail of tears because so many of their people were dieing .
    This was impotant because of the policay and running natives from their land this cause the population of indins to decrese .
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    the Donner party wasa family that tried to take a short cut but end up getting lost for 5 months . Once they ran out of food which it took 3 weeks to run out of food they had no choice to start eating each other .
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Marshell White was as a carpitner in California where he found a gold nugget mouths past and a group called the 49ers formed to find all the gold they could peolpe around the world started to find out about it and traveled to California to get some gold .
    This was important because before the gold rush california was a ghost town and when peolpe heard about it they moved their familys this increasedthe population of california.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    Fugitive Slave law was that all citizens were required to help return runaway slaves. If you would return a runaway slave you would recive money .
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John Brown a radical abolitionist wanted to start a slave rebellion so he planned to raid the arsenal and give the weapons to the slaves. This was important because the plan was so careless that he didnt even tell the slaves of the plan so he got caputed and all his sons died .
  • Batttle Of Gettysburg

    Batttle Of Gettysburg
    In Pennsylvaina Gen. Robert & Lee led offensive attack for the hill the battle lasted 3 days and 3 bad ones . In the end the union forced confederate retreat . This was important beacuse of so many died in those 3 days .
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Presdent Lincoln gave a speech where the union & confedrate had their battle for 3 days . The event was important because uncion also gave a dedication to the battle fleid where so many men died at.
  • March to the sea

    March to the sea
    Sherman began the march to Savannahhim and his troops arrived in Savannah in December william and his troops burned everything within their path .
    Thsi event is important beacuse burning down everything this made the south sunnder .