The Story of Us

  • Jan 1, 1100


    The crusades were religious wars between the Catholic Christians and Muslims. They were fighting over Jerusalem, which was seen as the Holy Land. Though not much was accomplished military wise, they did bring back new things. They discovered compasses, curry, garlic, rice,etc. from Asia. The impact of the Europeans traveling was it took too much time and money. This is important because it introduced new things.
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a horrible disease that wiped out 1/3 of the European population (25 million people were killed in 5 years). Many people were very religious during this time, and they believed that the black death was a punishment from god. The nursery rhyme "Ring Around the Rosey" is believed to be based off of the black death because the of the black death. The Black death helped lead to new medicines to take care of diseases
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    Christopher Columbus was an Itallian explorer, navigator, and colonizer. He was one of the explorers who had discovered america. This is important because without his voyage, America might not have been discovered
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Vasco Da Gama

    Vasco Da Gama was a famous Portugese explorer. He wanted to find a route from Europe to Asia. He decided to try his luck and sail east. When his fleet returned in 1499, only half of them were alive. This voyage was important because Da Gama became the first European to reach India by ship.
  • Jun 11, 1509

    King Henry VII's First Marriage

    King Henry VII, King of England, married Catherine of Aragin. Henry needed and wanted a son to carry on with his throne. Sadly, Catherine had a misscarriage and a death of their son who died 52 days after birth. This is important because it helped lead to the English Reformation.
  • Apr 2, 1513

    Ponce De Leon

    Juan Ponce De Leon was the first conquistador to explore what is now the United States. He explored South and Central Florida. This is important because he helped encourage exploration of the U.S and he discovered Florida.
  • Sep 1, 1516

    St. Augustine Est.

    In 1516, and explorer by the name of Pedro De Aviles (spain) established St. Augustine. This is important because it was the first permanent European Settlement in the United States.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Posting of the 95 Theses

    On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the Church. This is because he began to question what the church said the people were supposed to do. Martin Luther posting the 95 Theses marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation (reforming the Catholic Church).
  • May 1, 1533

    King Henry VII's Divorce

    Catherine has two more misscarriages and finally has a healthy little girl. This makes Henry angry because he wants a son and Catherine is only having girls. Henry blamed Catherina for not having a boy and then asks for a divorce but the Pope refuses. This is important because it makes Henry start his own church.
  • May 8, 1541

    De Soto explores Mississippi River

    De Soto from spain, begun exploring the southeastern portion of the U.S. This is important because he is believed to be the first European ever to see the Mississippi iver.
  • Washington Kills French Ambassador

    Virginia Governor, Robert Dinwiddle sent Washington to try to make peace wuth the French. Washington was said to "accidenetly" kill the French Ambassador. This is important because it started the French and Indian War (1754).
  • General Braddock Killed

    General Braddok decided to lead the troops to attack Fort Dequesne in June of 1755. Braddock was told to adopt the tatics used by the natives. He believed the natives were cowards and had to hope of beating the British. On June 9, 1755 Braddock and his troops were attacked by natives before they could reach the Fort. General Braddock was then killed.
  • 1763 Treaty of Paris

    1763 Treaty of Paris
    The 1763
  • Proclomation Act of 1763

    The natives attacked the British Forts. The attack resulted in to the British becoming broke and not wanting any wars. The Proclomation Act said thet the British Settlers were not allowed West of the Appalachian Mountains. This is important because it led to the Revolutionary War.
  • The Quatering Act

    The Quatering Act
    The Quatering Act was passed in 1765. Colonists were required to house British soldiers and provide them with food. This made colonists unhappy because soldiers would just come in and sometimes weren't even nice. This is important because this gave us the Third Amendmenet.
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act occured in 1765. This was a tax that was placed on ALL printed materials. This was the first direct tax on the colonists. This is important because it started the Sons of Liberty. The Stamp Act Congress was started and John Dickson wrote the Delavation of Rights and Grievances. Colonist began bpycotting and the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766.
  • Gaspee Affair

    Gaspee Affair
    The British ship Gaspee patrolled the coast for smugglers. The captain and crew searched ships without search warrants. In 1772, 150 New England colonist burned down the ship and colonial suspects were taken to England to stand trial. This is important becasue they seareched the ships without a warrant which is against the law.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party happened when colonist were required to pay taxes on tea in 1773. December 16,1773, the Sons of Liberty and many other colonist decided to dump A LOT of tea into the harbor. Thiss is important because this helped the colonist realizdd they weren't being treated right.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    In 1775 Benjamin Franklin created a plan for the 13 British colonies to form an allience with each other to defeat the French and Indians. Benjamin believed if each colony put in money and resources, they'd be successful but the colonist wanted to stay "independent." This is important because it had made an influence throughout the war.
  • Second Continental Cangress

    Three weeks after the Battle of Lexington, the Second Continental Congress met. It was a convention of the delegates from the 13 colonies. This meeting was held in Philadelphis, Pannsylvania, This is an important event because they were the ones who decided to start the war that gave America their independence.
  • The Battle of Lecington - Concord

    On April 18, 1775, British troops began to move from Boston to Concord. The British wanted to take Concord's supplies at his militia supply depot before the colonist got them. On April 19, 1775 the British arrived at Lexington and killed 8 colonists. All the supplies were removed and they returned back home. This is important because it is the first battle of the American Revolution.
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense Published

    Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" phamplet was the best selling pamphlet during the Revolutionary Era. Common Sense was published January 10, " I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense"- Thomas Paine. This pamphlet is importaant because it helped persuade many americans to support independence.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was a huge deal in American History. This gave us freedom and made the U.S independent. Not everyone was happy with declaring independence at first. In the first round of voting, 2 colonies voted no and 2 chose not to vote. The Declaration of Independence was officially adopted on July 4, 1776. This is important because it gave us freedom.
  • Winter at Valleyford

    The winter of 1777-1778 was a cold harsh winter. George Washington and his troops had very little shelter and supplies. George decided to have him and his troop stay at Valleyford for the winter. Him and his troops slept in tents which wasn't the best choice. During their stay, 1/3 of his troops died of either illness, cold, or lack of food. This is important because it shoewed the surviving troop members how to survive a cold hash winter.
  • Treaty of Paris, 1783

    Treaty of Paris, 1783
    The 1783 Treaty of Paris was a negotiation the United States and Great Britain made.This treaty ended the Revolutionary wat and also recognized America's independence. The continental congress named 5 men to negotiate the treaty. This is important because it was the official day America gained independence
  • William Pitt as a New Prime Minister

    William Pitt became new prime miister of England. He realized England needed stronger military strategy and more troops to win the war. He beagn to spend a lot of money and sent alot of troops to colonies. This is important because he helps them become successful in war.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The United States government signed peace treaties with the Native Americans. These treaties were unfair though, the natives didn't know english too well ehcih is what the treaties were written in. Some Natives even signed away their land in 1830 because they didn't understand what exactly was being said. Many of the Indians died from diseases. This is important because it led to the Sand Creek Massacre.
  • Trial of Tears

    The Trial of Tears started in 1838. Andrew Jackson was who started this when he placed the Indian Removal Act down. This act meant that all the indians had to migrate a long trip to Oaklahoma. The trail they took was known as "The Trial of Tears" because many indians died on the way to Oaklahoma. This is important because America lost their alliances with the indians.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    In 1846, a group of approximately 90 people left Illinois to head west. They used the Oregon Trail. One of the leaders found what he believed was a shortcut. During the iwnter of that year they were stranded for a good 5-6 months. They ran out of food and ended up eatinf each other. This is important because they helped other travelers know not to go off trail and it helped the expansion of the U.S west.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas occured in 1855. This was a war between Northerners and Southerners because they wanted two different things for the state. The south wanted Kansas to be a slave state, while the north wanted it to be free. Therefore, both the north and south ran into Kansas to vote for what the state should be. Kansas ended up having 2 governments and 2 capitals. This all ened in a lot of violence and death.