
The stores of America

  • The Homestead Act

    The Homestead Act
    The Homestead Act Law Sighed into law in may 1862. The Act opened up settlement in the western United States. This acted allowed any American even freed slaves to put in a claim for up to 160 free acres of federal land. By the end of the civil war 15,000 homestead claims had been recorded. This act helped so many Americans at the time. These are just some of the reasons why The Homestead Act is an important event during the time period that America was a growing nation.
  • invention of the telephone

    invention of the telephone
    The invention of the telephone is an important event during the time period when America grew as a nation. The invention was made by Alexander Graham Bell. Bell was awarded and known everywhere for his invention. The first words spoken on the telephone were ‘’MR. Watson come here I want to see you’’
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn

    The Battle of Little Bighorn
    The Battle of Little Bighorn is an important event of this time period. The Native Americans had a victory that day. The commanders were sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Chief Gall, and Georges A. Custer. many Americans died that day. Theses' are just some of the reasons why The Battle of Little Bighorn was important.
  • Chief Joseph surrenders

    Chief Joseph surrenders
    Chief Joseph surrenders is an important event of this time period. It was called The Nez Perce War. The native people of the wallowa valley fought for survival. When the battle started many of chief joseph men were already dying from exhaustion and starvation while fighting 2,000 U.S soldiers. There were about 700 men, woman, children, elders and most of them were killed or captured. These are some of the reasons why Chief Joseph surrenders is an important event of this time period.
  • The chinses exclusion act

    The chinses exclusion act
    The chinses exclusion act is an important event of this time period. It restricted chinses immigrants from entering the united states. The law was passed in spring 1882. It was signed by presentient Chester A. Arthur. White people were afraid of chinses people and thought they would take their jobs away from them. These are just some of the reasons why the chinses exclusion act was important in this time period.
  • The Brooklyn bridge

    The Brooklyn bridge
    The Brooklyn bridge is an important event of this time period. The cost of the construction of the bride was about 15 miilon dollars. It took fourteen years to build the Brooklyn bride with over 600 men working. The men who worked to build it were paid earning 3.50$ to 4.00 dollars per day. These are just some of the reasons why the Brooklyn bridge was important in this time period.
  • The American federation of labor

    The American federation of labor
    The American federation of labor is an important event of this time period. It was organized in 1886. The point of the (AFL) was to organize skilled workers into a union. by the 1920 about 4 million works were recruited for work. these are just some of the reasons why the (AFL)was an important event of this time period.
  • The invention of the gasoline automobile

    The invention of the gasoline automobile
    The invention of the gasoline automobile was important I this time period. The Duryea brothers tested their gasoline powered car successfully on the public street of Springfield , Massachusetts. The car traveled only 600 feet on its first test drive. The Duryea's made 13 identical vehicles. These are just some of the reasons why the gasoline powered automobile was so important of this time period.
  • The Triangle shirtwaist company fire

    The Triangle shirtwaist company fire
    The Triangle shirtwaist company fire was A important event in this time period. The fire happened on a Saturday just before work ended for the day. The fire started on the eighth floor of the building. Some woman could not get out because the doors were locked. These are some of the reasons why the triangle shirtwaist company was an important event in this time period.
  • The violence in Chicago between African Americans and white people

    The violence in Chicago between African Americans and white people
    The violence in Chicago between African Americans and whit people was an important event in this time period. A black teenager drowned in lake Michigan after being hit by a rock a white man threw. That was the cause of the riot between both white and black people. Fifteen white people died and twenty-three black people had died. These are some of the reasons why the violence in Chicago between African Americans and white people was a big event in this time period.