Jan 1, 632
Muhammad dies
Jan 2, 632
Abu Bakr becomes Caliph
Abu Bakr becomes the first Caliph after Muhammad dies -
Jan 1, 634
Umar become second Caliph
When Abu Bakr dies, Umar becomes the next Caliph. He raises Ghazu raids to a new height and turned the raids against non-muslims. -
Jan 1, 644
Uthman becomes the third Caliph
Umar is stabbed to death and Uthman becomes Caliph. He was married to Muhammad's daughter. He was assassinated. -
Jan 1, 656
Ali becomes the fourth Caliph
Uthman was assassinated and Ali becomes the fourth Caliph. He is married to Fatims, Muhammad's daughter -
Jan 7, 661
Ali dies
Ali is murdered after about a five-year rule -
Jan 22, 661
Umayyad Dynasty is set up
After Ali dies, the Umayyad Dyanasty is set up. Their capital is moved from Medina to Damascus -
Jan 22, 711
Muslims move into Spain
Muslims move into Spain and continue moving upward into France -
Jan 22, 732
Battle of Tours
Battle of Tours when Muslim advance into western Europe is stopped by the Franks -
Feb 22, 750
Abbasid Dynasty takes control
The Umayyad family is killed at a banquet and the Abbasid dynasty takes over moving the capital from Damascus to Baghdad. Tremendous collection of poets, scholars, philosophers, and builders in Baghdad. -
Jan 22, 1258
Abbasid Dynasty ends
Jan 22, 1258
Mongol conquest
Ghengiz Khan leads the Mongols out a Central Asia and into Baghdad -
A decline in Caliph faith
Starting around 850, we see a decline in Caliph faith. The control of the empire starts to fragment and Seljuk Turks gain control over Baghdad -
Period: to
Harunal-Rashid is Caliph
Baghdad reaches it's peak under Harunal-Rashid. An old-style absolute monarch who makes everyone who enters his court kiss the ground