the spread of Islam

  • Dec 1, 622

    7th Century CE

    Muhammad and the Muslims migrated from Makkah to Madinah at the invitation of the Madinans. Muhammad became the city’s leader, and the first Muslim community was established.
  • Dec 5, 632

    7th Century CE

    Muhammad died, leaving much of the Arabian Peninsula under Muslim rule.
  • Dec 5, 750

    8th Century

    750s Muslim soldiers settled in Chang’an (Xian), the largest city in China. Muslim merchants also visited and settled in southern Chinese ports.
  • Dec 5, 1200

    13th-14th century

    Islam became the majority religion in Syria.
    13th c. Ghana’s empire collapsed and Mali rose. Rulers of Kanem, near Lake Chad, became Muslim.
  • Dec 5, 1300

    13th-14th Century

    1300 Islam became the majority faith in Anatolia (part of today’s Turkey).
  • Dec 5, 1453

    15th Century CE

    1453 - Ottoman forces conquered the city of Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire
  • Dec 5, 1495

    15th Century CE

    Muslims and Jews were expelled from Spain, while others were forced to convert to Christianity.
  • 9th Century

    The Samanids became the first independent Muslim state in northeastern Iran and Inner Eurasia. By the 900s CE, Islam became the majority religion in that region.
  • 10th -12th century

    940-1000 Islam became the majority religion in Muslim-ruled parts of the Iberian Peninsula (today’s Spain and Portugal)