
The Spread of Islam

  • 570

    Muhammed Birth

    Muhammed Birth
    Muhammmed was born in Mecca
  • Period: 570 to Dec 31, 1505

    Spread Of Islam

  • Oct 3, 610

    Angel Gabriel

    Angel Gabriel
    In 610 Gabriel visits Muhammed (40) and recites the first revelations of the Quran.
  • Oct 3, 622

    Persecution in Mecca

    Persecution in Mecca
    Hijira: Muhammad endured persecution in Mecca and fled to Medina.
  • Oct 3, 630

    Return of Muhammed

    Return of Muhammed
    Muhammad gains followers in Medina. He then returns to Mecca, enters peacefully and citizens accept him
  • Oct 3, 632

    Muhammed Death

    Muhammed Death
    Muhammad was Poisoned.What happens when he dies?
  • Oct 3, 641

    Spread Of Islam

    Spread Of Islam
    Muslims enter Egypt and Islam spread throughout North Africa
  • Oct 3, 661

    Imam Ali's death

    Imam Ali's death
    Imam Ali is killed; marks beginning of Umayyad rule
  • Oct 3, 711

    Muslims Taking Over

    Muslims Taking Over
    Muslims enter Spain and India taking over, most of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Oct 3, 1099


    European crusaders take Jerusalem from the Muslims. Eventually the Muslims defeat the Crusaders and regain control of the holy land
  • Oct 3, 1200


    Muslims enslave the Great Zimbabweans. The zimbabwean slave army, called the moors, invade Spain and bring back agricuture, engineering, and literature
  • Oct 3, 1258


    Mongols attack Bagdad and kill the last Abassid caliph ending the caliphate
  • Oct 3, 1281

    The Birth of the Ottomans

    The Birth of the Ottomans
    Uthman's reign (1281-1324) founded the Ottomans, a famous and infamous rival of the Byzantines.
  • Oct 3, 1400

    Islam and the Philippines

    Islam and the Philippines
    In the period of the 1400's, Islam, through its luscious trade, thanks to captured Indian ports and ships through the Indian Ocean, arrived in the Philippines. Soon enough, it became the second most Islam nation in the world, next to the motherland.
  • Oct 3, 1492

    The Spanish Rebellion

    The Spanish Rebellion
    Castile and Aragon, a duo of Spanish generals, recapture Spain from the Muslims and expel them from their land, yet still retain a lot of Islamic knowledge of language, sciences and math. The Islam did not leave empty-handed, as they recieved many architectural ideas, such as the dome.
  • Oct 3, 1500

    The Beginning of the Loathing

    The Beginning of the Loathing
    <a href=''>
    Here is a video on the subject. Byzantines and Ottomans begin quarreling over Constantinople in the 1500s.