the school of athens  by raffaello sanzio da urbino

The Renaissance semester 1 project

By jinai
  • Feb 28, 1347

    the start of the bubonic plague

    the start of the bubonic plague
    The bubonic plague devasted Europe and killed about 25 million people it. At that time everything was religion based and about god. When the plague happened people started thinking if god is real why would he do this to us. the point is, people started thinking, they started questioning things, which was very important for the innovation.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    The Renaissance Begins

    The Renaissance Begins
    People think that some of the causes of the renaissance were the increased interaction of cultures, the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts, and the discovery of humanism, and different artistic and technological advances. This era still affects us today due to the many advances in art and technology.
  • Jan 1, 1413

    Brunelleschi created linear perspective art

    Brunelleschi created linear perspective art
    Brunelleschi's invention of linear perspective helped art because it allowed art to have depth and be 3-D and not always look flat. This also probably prompted other artists to follow in his footsteps to make more interesting. Which affects us now because art is 3-D. Brunelleschi bridged the gap between math and art.
  • Jan 1, 1439

    Gutenberg invents the printing press

    Gutenberg invents the printing press
    the printing press is important because it made it easier and more accessible to have books and that led to more people being able to read and think for themselves which is why I think its important it made people smarter and probably led to more important inventions.
  • Jan 1, 1478

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    Columbus discovering America hugely impacted the future because it led to slavery which had a huge impact on many things after it was ended. this is very important because it had a powerful impact on the western world as we know it.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    the nine theses

    the nine theses
    martin Luther wrote his 95 demands for the church and posted it on the door it was not received well by the church. so he created his own church which still exists today. this was important because the many people are still protestant up to this day.