The Problem We All Live With

  • Blacks arrived in the United States

    The beginning of blacks in the United States
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    "Old fashioned"
  • Ruby Bridges

    First black individual to be put into a "white" school.
  • Scores

    Blacks scored 39 points worse than whites
  • Integration

    What works but is not being done.
  • Improvement of Scores

    Blacks improved to only 18 points worse than whites
  • Desegregation Ended

    The integration in St. Louis ended.
  • Accidental Integration

    Normandy students transferred to a different district that was 85% white.
  • Normandy School District

    The Missouri State Board of Education pulled accreditation from the Normandy School District.
  • Needra and Marria

    Worried about her daughter's education. The teachers in the school were overwhelmed and had too many students in the classroom. Needra was able to send her daughter to a near by school for free because of Normandy District was no longer accredited.
  • Rename of Normandy

    Normandy was spending too much money on transportation and other costs so they renamed the district. The 1,000 students who transferred to other districts had to come back.
  • Charles Pearson

    New Superintendent of Normandy
  • Blacks and Latinos in Segregated Schools

    Data shows that blacks and latinos have the least qualified teachers