The Origins of Educational Psychology

  • 460 BCE


    Democritus wrote: Schooling and the influence of the home learning
  • 384 BCE

    Plato and Aristoteles

    Plato and Aristoteles
    They discuss topics about education
  • 100 BCE


    He suggested that teachers should take into account the individual differences in the students.
  • 1492

    Juan Luis Vives

    Juan Luis Vives
    He stated to teachers with educational responsabilities, such as those in government and commerce
  • Comenius

    He recommended that instruction strart with general and then move to the particular and that nothing in books can be accepted unless cheked by a demosntration to the senses
  • Friedrich Herbart

    Friedrich Herbart
    Schema theory and the five steps for teaching virtually any sibject: a) preparaton b)presentation c)comparison d)generalization e)application
  • William James

    William James
    Cognitive and teleological conceptions of individuals.
    Psychology could provide: underpinnings of beliefs about instruction, to prohibit teachers from making certain errors and to provide intellectual support to teachers for their pedagogical decisions
  • G. Stanley Hall

    G. Stanley Hall
    Founder of the child study movement.
    APA's organizer and first president
    Use of the natural environment using ordinary people as data collectors
  • Joseph Mayer Rice

    Joseph Mayer Rice
    The father of research on teaching.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    A more holistic view of stimuli and their associated responses. The nature of experience.
    He founded an elementary school as a place to learn more philosophy, more social theory and psychology
  • Edward Lee Thorndike

    Edward Lee Thorndike
    He wrote his thesis Animal Intelligence
    Texts on mental and social measurement.
    The first standarized achievement test, intelligence tests and compiled dictionaries
    Only empirical work should guide education.
  • A.D Woodruff

    A.D Woodruff
    Educational psychology had no domain that was really its own to any greater extent than it belonged to others.
  • John B. Carroll

    John B. Carroll
    He published his model of school learning.
    Psychology remained untapped because it seemed not to be concerned with genuine educational problems
  • Philip Jackson

    Philip Jackson
    He noted the issues of Thorndike's work.
  • Lauren Resnick

    Lauren Resnick
    Noted that the problems of real-world instruction were beginning to guide the development of instructional psychology