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History of Psychology

By mooly10
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    A school of thought dedicated to identifying the components of the mind.
  • The First Experimental Psychology Lab

    The First Experimental Psychology Lab
    Wilhelm Wundt was a philosophy teacher at the University of Leipzig. What started as a storage closet for his equipment became the first experimental psychology lab in 1879. Because of the laboratory, Wundt was able to introduce his theories about measurable stimuli.
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    A school of thought concerned with how an organism uses it's perceptual abilities to it's enviornment.
  • William James' book, Principles of Psychology

    William James' book, Principles of Psychology
    William James wrote this monumental text on his four methods of psychology; analysis, introspection,experiment, and comparison. The book was published in 1890.
  • Sigmund Freud's Theory of Dreams

    Sigmund Freud's Theory of Dreams
    Sigmund Freud believed that dreams were the minds way of showing it's desires. He also split dream content into two terms; latent content and manifest content. Manifest content is what you perceive in the dream and the actual events that took place in the dream. Latent content is what the dream actually means; like a hidden meaning. Freud's book, The Interpretation of Dreams was published in 1899.
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    A school of thought focused on how unconcious instincts, conflicts, motives, and defenses influence behavior.
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    A school of thought focused on how natural selection favored behaviors that contributed to survival and speed of our ancestors' genes.
  • Pavlov's Dog Experiment

    Pavlov's Dog Experiment
    Pavlov classically conditioned a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell. In order to do that, he showed the dog food and immediately followed with the sound of a bell. The date marks the start of the experiment.
  • Little Albert Experiment

    Little Albert Experiment
    John B. Watson classically conditioned a child (Albert) to become afraid wheen a neutral stimulus (rat, rabbit, monkety...) was presented. In order to do this, a loud sound which scared the child immediately followed the neutral stimulus. The experiment was conducted in 1920.
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    The study of observable behavior. It observes the relationship between stimuli and animal responses.
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    A school of thought focused on how we receive, store, and process information; think/ reason; use language.
  • Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

    Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
    Jean Piaget conducted a set of experiments on young children with varied ages to figure out how they think and process information as they grow older. By doing this four stages of cognitive development were created, sensorimotor,preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. The date is the year in which Piaget returned to the University to contine cognititve research on children.
  • Skinner Box

    Skinner Box
    B.F. Skinner created an experiment in which he classically conditioned rats to press a lever when the light was green to receive food. If the light was red, the rat did not receive food and were shocked.
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    A school of thought focuses on individual potential for growth and the role of unique perceptions in growth.
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    A school of thought focused on physiological and biochemical factors that determine behavior and mental processes.
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    Maslow created a triangle in which he divided the basic human motivations; the bottom ones being the most basic needs. From bottom to top, the Hierarchy of Needs are physiological, saftey, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. 1954 is the date in which Maslow fully expressed his theory in his book, Motivation and Personality.
  • The Bobo Doll Experiment

    The Bobo Doll Experiment
    Albert Bandura conducted an experiment on children where he had one group watched a video of an adult being aggressive to the bobo doll while another group watched an adult play with the bobo doll in a passive way. The group that watched the aggressive behavior were found to treat the bobo doll with more aggressive behavior than the other group. Bandura conducted the experiment in 1961.
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    A school of thought focused on how cultural differences affect behavior.
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment

    The Stanford Prison Experiment
    In one of the most unethical psychology experiments, psychology preofessor Philip Zimbardo conducted an experiment in which he placed 24 male students as either a prison guard or a prisoner for two weeks. The prison guard students adapted to their role and bacame extremely violent and aggressive. The experiment was conducted in 1971.