Dec 12, 1469
Ferdinand Of Aragon marries Isballa of Castille
Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille marry creating the basis for the unity of their kingdoms which will create spain and this marriage ended up consisting at the time of a dynastic union of two roayl houses but it did not create administrative unity . -
Dec 12, 1478
spanish Inquisition
This event was part of establishing Spain as a strictly catholic state .This doctrine would force religous conversions or expulsion of?Jews and is a very important event due to the fact that it was part of the new monarchs plan to carve out common cultural tradition because at this time remember diversity was not really a good thing. -
Dec 12, 1485
End of war of roses
The battle of Bosworth field signals the end of the 100 years war and Henry Tudor whould would become Henry the 7th goes to marry a Yorkist princess Elizabeth and gets support from parliament to become King.This is important because these events would begin the reign of Henry the 7th who would begin to restore order to England under his new monarchy . -
Dec 12, 1485
Royal council Created
Royal council was created by Henry the 7th to be the center of royal government at the national level serving as an executive , judicial and legislative branch for the King and this was important because it was a way for Henry the 7th to suppress the nobles as he would mainly appoint people from the educated middle class and from the lower less landowning nobility . -
Dec 12, 1486
Justices of peace commissioned
The justices of peace were commissioned as unpaid local officials for Henry the 7th in England .This is important because the justices incriminated and punished criminals , fixed wages and prices , enforced statues commissioned by the King and this would help Henry the th enforce power even on a local level and keep anyone from consolidating power unknowingly in a town . -
Dec 12, 1487
Court of Star chamber created
This was almost a judicial branch created by Henry the 7th to deal with aristocrats who were unruly and this court applied principles or Roman law and some of the methods used in this court was sometimes terrifying . This is important because this is how Henry the 7th could control the high nobles to consolidate power . -
Jan 6, 1492
Ferdinand and Isabella are able to use money from ecclessiastical estates to raise an army and go into Granada in the south and conquer it this isimportant because now that Granda was incorporated into spain it now was the end of an eight centuries stuggle to reconquer the kingdom in the south and expand spanish power -
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus discovery of new world
Ferdinand and Isablla funded and supported Christopher Columbus exploration to the new world , this is very important becuase not only did it help with their intentions to spread Christianity but also it would help Spain get ahead in exploration as a monarchy and dominate in terms of the trade and acquiring gold and silver in the 16th century. -
Dec 12, 1494
Beginning of Habsburg-Vaolis wars
After Charles the 9th of France(valois) attacks Naples in order to consolidate power in Italy he meets opposition from Maxilmillan the first who is holy Roman emporan and Ferdinand of Aragon and Castille and battling ensues . This is important because this batle to consolidate power would last until 1559 and would further emphasize the importance of Monarchs having great militaries in order to consolidate power . -
Dec 13, 1495
England Navy Built!
Henry the 7th Commissioned dry dock at Portsmouth and began building the English fleet and this is important becuause it would begin the continued concept of Monarchs creating large armies for their states -
Dec 12, 1498
Revival of Hermandades
The "brotherhoods" were brought back in , in oder to stop rebellions and warring aristocracy from waging too much destruction . The hermandades were popular groups in towns that would serve as royal police and would be judicial tribunals. By 1498 they did such a great job throughout the 1490s tha many could be disbanded and this is very important as now rules and regulations could be brough under the rising monarch of Ferdinand and Isabella . -
Dec 13, 1503
Margaret(tudor) marries James the 4th of Scotland
Henry the 7th arranged for the marriage of his youngest daughter Margaret to James the 4th of Scotland this is important because it would lead to a union between England and Scotland which was a common feature of this new monarchy as marriage was used to expand power and influence . -
Jun 11, 1509
Catharine of Aragon weds dead husbands brother!
After eldest son Arthur who was married to Catharine of Aragon died Henry the 7th arranged for his younger son Henry the 8th to marry Catharine of Aragon and this is very important becuase it is needed in order to maintiain good relations with the Habsburg which is part of the foreign policy goal of Henry the 7th -
Dec 11, 1516
Concordat of Bologna
Francis 1(valois) of France authorized the concordat of Bologna and this gave him control over the catholic church in France with the ability to appoint bishops and abbots he chooses which further allows him to consolidate his power . -
Dec 12, 1517
Le Harve
Francis 1st of France oversees the building of a new port La Harve this is important because it was meant to increase the activity of french meditteranean-trade and to be able to compete with Spain and the Habsburgs in terms of trade with the new world . -
Dec 12, 1524
Land in New world!
Francis 1st assisted citizens of Lyons in their financing of Giovannide Verrazano to North America . This is important land was established for the French in what would be modern dy Quebac and this would help the french catch up inthe age of exploration to other Europeans powers expanding their powers. -
Dec 12, 1527
Sack of rome
Holy Roman emperor Charles the 5th leads 34,000 troops into the Papal States to destroy the city of Rome due to the fact that in the conflict with Francis the 1st of France to consolidate power in Italy the pope Clement the 2nd switched sides in terms of support. this would lead to the end of the high renaissance in italy and would alllow Charles the 5th to further increase his power ,leads to Henry the 8th in England to be denied papal authority to divorce Catharine of Aragon -
Dec 12, 1530
Gablle(salt tax) and Taille(land tax)
Francis the first during his rule from 1515-1547 established a a salt and land tax in order to raise funds for his monarchy in order to have funds to try to claim lands inItaly where he fought against Charles the 5th who is the holy Roman Emperor and king of spain