the birth of james bulter hickok
wild bill hikcok was born in a small town named troy grove IL -
hickoks change to a legend
July 1861 in what is to be known as the McCanles Massacre in Rock Creek, Nebraska. the mcCalnes brother -
hickoks first job
the first job involving horses and buggys hickok ever had when he was about twenty. he drove a stagecoach -
hickoks first story
July 1861 the McCanles Massacre in Rock Creek, Nebraska. David McCanles and his brother William and several farmhands came to the station demanding payment for a property that had been bought from him. Hickok, killed three men while hurt defending his bosses land. -
hickok in the civil war
during the civil war hickok was trained as a spy and to drive horse buggys. he was also reconginzed for the accuracy of his shooting skills -
after the civil war
after the cicil war hickok moved to kansas where he became the mashal of abaline and the shariff of hays city -
hickok in the show biz 2
hickok joined the buffalo bill traving show and met calamity jane and i guess had an affair with her later she wrote letters to him after he had died -
hickok in show biz
in 1882-1883 hickok joined buffalo bills traviling show -
the death of wild bill hickok
while playing a game of poker james butler hickok was shot in the back and killed by Jack McCall -
how does hickok impact the west?
i think wild bill hickok imact on the west was a very big hit and that shows us that the west was in ways a rough and touch place people did actully have duals and people did have to do things that we dont do today just to make a living and some of the stuff hickok got around and the things he did still are the way we think about the west and that image is still the same as it was in the time of the wild west, so hickok and all the others are the west to us now