The Life of Prophet Muhammad

  • Period: Jan 1, 622 to Dec 31, 630


    As I read on about the life of our Prophet Mohammed (saw) it teaches me a lot of life lessons. It makes me strongly believe that to be successful in life you must stay close to Allah and make good honest choices. Even when you are having difficulty with life and its obstacles, you should pray, hope for the best and that Allah will push you to the right path because the right path will come to you if you stay close to Allah. It also emphasized patients in my eyes. It shows me that somet
  • Jun 26, 622

    Migration to Madina

    Migration to Madina
    In the era the Quraysh was arranging on attacking Makkah to deterioration and abolish Islam. The prophet (pbuh) and his followers including Abu Bakr had to escape as soon as possible. So they all decided to migrate together to Madina because it was a safe place for them to be remaining. They moved about 300 kilometers and had a week break before reaching their endpoint.
  • Dec 28, 622

    Building of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi

    Building of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi
    This is when the prophet had arrived to Madina right after his journey from Mecca. After his entrance he decided to start building a mosque of his own by the assistance and sustenance of his companions, which is recognized as Al-Masjid an-Nabawi. The place was chose because he built it next to his household. It was constructed as a rectangular open-air building enclosed by palm trees.
  • Jan 28, 624

    Qibla Direction

    Qibla Direction
    For the first year and a half after hijrah the qibla was pointed north western but Allah (swt) requested from Mohammad (pbuh) to change the direction so it would be pointed towards the Makkah (the kaba). It's known that this change was made for the reason that extra attention was ordered to be given to the Arabs.
  • Mar 10, 624

    Battle of Badr

    Battle of Badr
    In this time, this was the first severe and serious conflict among the muslims and the army of Quraysh. The battle began through Mohammad (pbuh) finding out that one of the wealthiest trade vans were pointing to Makkah carrying the belongings of the muslims, being guided by Abu Sufyan (a member of Quraysh). The prophet then gathered a group of muslims to form a muslim army and headed towards Badr, where the Meccan army was on it's way to. When both armys met on the 13
  • Mar 23, 625

    Battle of Uhud

    Battle of Uhud
    This fight was the second severe fight. However, it was among the Muslims and the Meccans. It had happened by the Meccans patiently wanting to get back at the Muslims for being unbeaten through their last battle. Mohammad (pbuh) led a larger army made of additional men to mount Uhud where they were encountering the Meccan army. The Muslims had left the Meccan's site defenseless, which put them in the lead of the battle to that point. When they realized they were in th
  • Mar 28, 627

    Battle of the Trench

    Battle of the Trench
    Following the battle of Uhud, this was another one of the serious fights of the Muslims against the Jews. Just like the battle of Uhud the Muslims had a great army but the Jews had almost doubled them in numbers. The fight took place around Madina and the Muslims dug up a trench round their site to defend them, and from there they'd sprout their arrows. Ali (an opponent) jumped by the trench and dared one of the muslims to a battle which he lost. Afterwards many
  • Apr 16, 631


    As I read on about the life of our Prophet Mohammed (saw) it teaches me a lot of life lessons. It makes me strongly believe that to be successful in life you must stay close to Allah and make good honest choices. Even when you are having difficulty with life and its obstacles, you should pray, hope for the best and that Allah will push you to the right path because the right path will come to you if you stay close to Allah. It also emphasized patients in my eyes. It shows me that somet
  • Treaty of Hudaybia

    Treaty of Hudaybia
    Now closer to the end of this month, Mohammad gathered together 1000+ of the followers (Muslims) and started to move to Mecca to perform Umrah as a group. When they reached their destination, they were told that they were not permitted to enter, so they camped near a well named Hudaybia (which is where the treaty got it's name from). The prophet sent a messenger to let Quraysh know that they were only there to perform Umrah once, but Quraysh didn't want that happe
  • The Conquest of Mecca

    The Conquest of Mecca
    By this time, the equilibrium of power had shifted drastically far away from once-powerful Mecca, toward Muhammad and the Muslims. In January, 630, they trooped on Mecca and were combined by tribe after tribe alongside the way. They arrived to Mecca without killing and the Meccans, sighted the curent

    had turned, joined them.