Start Of The Haitian Revolution
he haitians were being oppressed by the French.The French and white plantation used brutal methods against the slaves. This lead the enslaved Africans to revolt. they were lead by Toussani L'ovverure and Jean-Jacques. They were also inspired by the French and American Revolution. -
End Of The Haitian Revolution
In January , 1 , 1804 The Haitians were lead to victory by Toussani L'ovverture and Jean-Jacques. They won their Independence and became their own colony and were free from slavery. -
Start Of The Mexican Revolution
On september, 1, 1810 The Indian and Mestizo started a rebellion against the Spanish. They were lead by Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morales. The lower class started uprising and it scared the Spanish and Creoles. -
Start Of The South America Revolution
In 1821 the crillos revolted. Simon Bolivar and Jose De San Martin. Bolivar led over 2,000 soldiers to andes Colombia and won a surprise attack against Spain. Jose De San Marin also joined forces with Peru and led a march across the Andes of Chile to drive out the remaining Spanish. -
End Of Mexican Revolution
On September 16, 1810 Padre Morelos proclaimed independence from Spain when he lead to defeat against the Rebels. -
Start Of The Brazilian Revolution
On September 7, 1822 the creoles revolted and were lead by Dom Pedro. People were demanded Brazil’s Independence. -
End Of Brazilian Revolution
In the time spam of a day Brazil won their independence. Eight thousand Brazilian signed a petition to asking Dom Pedro to lead; then he officialy declared Brazil independent. -
End Of The South American Revolution
On December, 9 , 1824 Bolivar defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Ayacucho. In that battle was were the Spanish colonies in Latin America won their freedom. They became their own countries which are now knows as Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador.