Jan 2, 620
Angel Gabriel and Muhammad
As Muhammad meditated in the mountains, Muhammad saw that a divine figure appeared in front of him(Angel Gabriel) to announced that he is God's messanger. -
Feb 7, 622
Muhammad's flight or Hijra
After threats of polytheistic people within Mecca, Muhammad and his followers exile to Medina to continue the spread of Islam. -
Nov 12, 632
Muhammad's death
Muhammad died unexpectedly in the year 632 CE not living a caliph or succesor to rule the islamic region. -
Nov 12, 632
Abu-Bakr was elected by the Islamic Muslims in the region to become the first caliph. -
Nov 12, 632
Split of Sunni and Shi'a
The split of Sunni and Shi'a groups happened a little bit after Muhammad's death because Muhammad did not named a succesor to take over. -
Nov 12, 661
Ali was chosen as the fourth caliph by the Shi'a group and was killed in battle in 661 CE along with more people. -
Period: Nov 12, 661 to Nov 12, 750
Ummayad Dynasty
Ummayad dynasty went from 661-750 ruled by Mu-awiya, in which time more knowledge was found such as art and science. -
Nov 12, 750
Ummayad's fall
The Ummayad dynasty fell due to undecisions of who will be the next caliph along with arguments between Sunni and Shi'a people. -
Nov 12, 750
Abbasid moved the capital to Baghdad
After capturing Damascu in 750, the leader moved the capital to Baghdad. -
Period: Nov 12, 750 to Nov 12, 1258
Rise of Abbassids
The leader of this reign was Abu al-Abbas who was supported by the non-Arab Muslims. During the reign, the Muslim civilization fluorished. -
Nov 12, 1096
First Crusade
First Crusade was initiated by the Roman Catholics, which main purpose was to obtained the Holy land but where Muslims and Jews were killed in the way. -
Nov 12, 1258
Fall of the Abbasids
The Abbasid fell due to invasions of the Shiites adding more troubles to the region until its total decline. -
House of Wisdom
The House of Wisdom was created by the Abbasid court due to their interestings in medical and scientific knowledge.