Batalla junin

the independence of latin america

  • Arrest of the King of Spain

     Arrest of the King of Spain
    Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and took King Ferdinand VII captive, putting in his place José Bonaparte, known as "Pepe Botella".
  • Bayonne abdications

    Bayonne abdications
    The abdications in Bayonne of the Spanish kings Carlos IV and Fernando VII are known in Mexico.
  • Representation of the City of Mexico

    Representation of the City of Mexico
    The Representation of the City Council of Mexico is published, the work of Francisco de Azcárate and Francisco Primo de Verdad, which postulates the return of sovereignty to the people represented by the city council, as there is no king.
  • Assault on the viceregal palace

    Assault on the viceregal palace
    A group of armed men led by Gabriel Yermo assaults the viceregal palace, taking Viceroy Iturrigaray, Francisco Primo de Verdad, and Juan Francisco de Azcárate prisoner; councilmen of the city hall of Mexico.
  • The conspiracy in Valladolid

    The conspiracy in Valladolid
    The conspiracy in Valladolid, Michoacán, was discovered, led by Lieutenant José Mariano Michelena and Captain José María García Obeso.
  • First government board

    First government board
    The First Board was installed, composed of Cornelio Saavedra as president, Mariano Moreno and Juan José Paso as secretaries and Manuel Alberti, Miguel de Azcuénaga, Manuel Belgrano, Juan José Castelli, Juan Larrea and Domingo Mateu, as members.
  • Victory on the monte de las cruces

    Victory on the monte de las cruces
    Insurgent victory on the Monte de las Cruces.
  • Battle of Calderon Bridge

    Battle of Calderon Bridge
    Calleja defeats the insurgents in Puente de Calderón and there is an insurgent rout.
  • hidalgo is stripped of the military side

    In Aguascalientes, Hidalgo is stripped of military command, which falls to Allende.
  • Rejection of hidalgo and Allende

    Rejection of hidalgo and Allende
    Hidalgo and Allende reject the pardon.
  • Morelos takes Tixtla

     Morelos takes Tixtla
    Morelos takes Tixtla where Vicente Guerrero joins him.
  • First national Congress

    First national Congress
    The First National Congress of Chile was inaugurated on July 4, 1811, being one of the oldest congresses in Latin America.
  • Hidalgo dies

     Hidalgo dies
    Hidalgo is shot.
  • Government of Jose Miguel Carrera

    Government of Jose Miguel Carrera
    The government of José Miguel Carrera was characterized by its audacious reforms, whose purpose was to prepare the way for Independence.
  • Rancagua disaster

     Rancagua disaster
    The Battle of Rancagua was a military confrontation that occurred on October 1 and 2, 1814 in the city of the same name in the context of the Chilean War of Independence.
  • Liberation army crosses the mountain range

    Liberation army crosses the mountain range
    The most memorable event of the Army of the Andes corresponds to the Crossing of the Andes that began on January 6, 1817 from Mendoza, which culminated in victory in the battle of Chacabuco.
  • Battle of Chacabuco

     Battle of Chacabuco
    The Battle of Chacabuco was a decisive contest for the Independence of Chile in which the Army of the Andes fought
  • Declaration of independence of Chile 1818

    Declaration of independence of Chile 1818
    The Act of Independence of Chile is the document by which Chile solemnly declared its independence from the Spanish Monarchy.
  • Battle of Maipú

     Battle of Maipú
    The Battle of Maipú, also known as the Battle of Maipo, was a decisive armed confrontation within the context of the Chilean War of Independence.
  • commemoration of the independence of chile

    commemoration of the independence of chile
    It is officially established on February 11, 12 and 13 as commemorations of Independence