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The History of Educational Technology

  • 30,000 BCE


    In primitive times, there are tools, in order to educate the young, such as hard sticks, plants for colouring, and walls as a drafting board, which were used in purpose of drawing caves. Teaching was also applied orally through imitation of stories and folklore histories.
  • 2700 BCE

    Beginning of the Instructional Technologies

    Beginning of the Instructional Technologies
    Formal education had been started to be taught. Informing was also started to be made by speeches to the crowds. Furthermore, Sumerian Abacus was appeared to have been used in education, which is a calculating tool, before the written modern numeral system.
  • 500


    In order to record writings, many different materials were used in early times such as clay and wax tablets, stone clays, and metal sheets. One of the most used ones after them was papyrus, made from the papyrus plant. When attaining papyrus was difficult, parchment was also started to be used. Afterwards, the codex was recognized as a modern book which is more suitable for retaining the information.
  • 1450

    Producing Classroom Materials

    Producing Classroom Materials
    Printing Press was invented, which enabled to produce vast amount of books easily in quite short time, compared to manuscript ones.
  • Public Education

    Public Education
    Public education in classes became officially widespread. Along with that, the usage of blackboards, books, chalkboard slates in classrooms started to become common.
  • Printing Devices

    Printing Devices
    Mimeograph and spirit duplicator were invented and improved, which were also important classroom material suppliers.
  • Audiovisual Age

    Audiovisual Age
    The utilizations of some developed devices like radios and some kind of projectors (film strip projector, overhead projector, slide projector) began in lessons to be able to profit the learning.
  • Information Age

    Information Age
    With the inventions of TVs, VCRs, audio tapes, and VHS tapes, presentations of the lessons have been enriched in terms of educational purposes.
  • Computer Age

    Computer Age
    Computers, which was actually created in 1800s, and CDs got started to be common in classrooms. Moreover, Microsoft Powerpoint and the first smart boards began to be used.
  • Digital Age

    Digital Age
    The usage of networks and internet connection were also started to be demanded in schools. Communication with the people around the world through networks and the internet became widespread.
  • Interaction Age

    Interaction Age
    Smartphones,tablets, laptops, applications, social medias, various websites, blogs, podcasts, and many other similar tools have been benefited now in classrooms commonly. Conceptualisation of these means in education makes the students more interactive, not only with each other but also any people, place, and information in the world.
  • The References
    Image by Serikbaib from Pixabay
    Image by Thaovy from Pixabay
    Image by Robert_C from Pixabay
    Image by RayHolloway from Pixabay
    Image by PrebenGammelmark from Pixabay
    Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
    Image by mohamed_hassan from Pixabay
    Image by serg...