Printing Press
Many more people in government and business were required to become literate and analytical, which led to a rapid expansion of formal education in Europe. -
The use of typewriter stimulates children’s interest in spelling, composition and reading, reduces behaviour problems in class to a minimum. -
School Slate (Slateboard)
Slates remained in use due to their economy and convenience, the lack of supplies of cheap paper, and the persistence of older models of classroom teaching. -
Still going strong to this day, the chalkboard is one of the biggest inventions in terms of educational technology. -
It increases vocational skills, develops communication, improves literacy and builds confidence. -
Overhead Projector
Overhead projectors initially used for US military training purposes quickly spread to schools. -
The first TV appeared in a classroom in LA; now the most widely used technology in schools. -
Headphones became popular in schools and stations used to listen to audio tapes were dubbed 'language labs'. -
Laptops are developed and are eventually utilized as teaching tools. -
Smart Board
Smart boards were introduced in schools -
Flip Camera
Flip video camera is introduced as an affordable digital camcorder. Videos impact educational technology because students can create videos as performance assessments. -
It has impacted the field of educational technology by opening up itunes and ibook which allows easy creation of interactive books and content.