The History of Distance Education

  • First Major Correspondence Program is Created

    First Major Correspondence Program is Created
    The first major correspondence program in the United States was established at the University of Chicago in which the teacher and learner were at different locations. (AECT, 2001, sec. 13.2)
  • The British Open University is Established

    The British Open University is Established
    In 1969, the British Open University is established in the United Kingdom, which marked the beginning of the use of technology to supplement print-based instruction through carefully designed courses. (AECT, 2001, sec. 13.2.2)
  • Linking for Learning is Published

    Linking for Learning is Published
    The Office of Technology Assessment conducts a report for Congress entitled Linking for Learning, which gives an overview of distance learning, the role of teachers, and highlights how technology was being used in schools. (AECT, 2001, sec. 13.2.3)
  • Colleges and Universities Start Adopting E-Learning Programs

    Colleges and Universities Start Adopting E-Learning Programs
    Conventional and distance colleges and universities alike began adopting e-learning programs, often when the target audience would be willing to work this way. (Weller, 2018, p. 36)
  • The IMS Global Learning Consortium is Established

    The IMS Global Learning Consortium is Established
    The IMS Global Learning Consortium - now rebranded as the 1EdTech Consortium - was established to develop standards that would describe content, assessment tools, courses, and learning design. (Weller, 2018, p. 37)