The Growth of Distance Eduction

By j.nixon
  • Period: to

    First Generation of Distance Education

  • Caleb Phillips

    Caleb Phillips
    Caleb Phillips placed an ad in the Boston Gazette in 1782 advertising lessons through the mail.
  • Phonographic Correspondence Society (Founded)

    Phonographic Correspondence Society (Founded)
    Sir Issac Pitman's shorthand became famous on his postcards that were mailed to students. This society was the precursor for Pitman's Correspondence Colleges.
  • Society to Encourage Learning at Home (Founded)

    Society to Encourage Learning at Home (Founded)
    Anna Ticknor establishes this society in 1873. The goal of starting this society was to give women an opportunity to be educated through correspondence.
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    Second Generation of Distance Education

  • Penn State University

    Penn State University
    In 1922, Penn State University starts offering courses that are taught over the radio.
  • University of Louisville

    John Wilkinson Taylor led groups of students to create the National Broadcasting Corporation. This corporation was the first to offer college by radio.
  • Stanford University

    Stanford University
    Stanford University broadcast engineering courses through the Stanford Instructional Television Network.
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    Third Generation of Distance Education

  • ARPAnet

    ARPAnet was created. This will later soon be known as the internet.
  • Open University

    Open University
    Open University, located in the United Kingdom, is established.
  • University of Phoenix

    University of Phoenix
    The University of Phoenix starts a range of courses sponsored by distance education.
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    Fourth Generation of Distance Education

  • The First PC

    The First PC
    The first PC was made and is sold and bought by the public.
  • The First Satellite Education System

    The first satellite education system is started. Courses can be taken through different computer applications.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web is created.
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    Fifth Generation of Distance Education

  • Internet is Open

    Internet is Open
    The internet was opened to the general public through different services like America Online and CompuServe.
  • First Online PhD Program

    First Online PhD Program
    Electronic University Network has the very first completely online PhD program available to the public.
  • MOOCs Available

    MOOCs Available
    MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are starting to be provided.