1101 ww1 painting lge

The Great War

By rpatel
  • Assisination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assisination of Franz Ferdinand
    archduke Franze Ferdinand was Assisnated along with his wife by a man named Gavrilo Princep, which sparked the start of world war 1. many battles are to come after this event and soon the one of the greatest wars in history will begin
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Women at War

    Women at War
    What: Women contribute to the war
    When: 1914- 1918
    Where: Canada, britan
    How they fought: navy, nurses, factories
    Why this is important: Women have been greatly under estimated before the war. When the war was declared women where a huge help, they where the ones who made ammunition, equipment, and other supplies. They also served as nurses, helping the injured.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    What: Second Battle pf Ypres
    When: April 22 1915
    Where: Ypres, Belgium
    How they fought:: Trenches, posion gas
    Why is it important: When the french retreated the canadians took their place and showed their strength by stopping german forces from advancing. the canadians showed they could do the job when asked.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    What: Battle of Somme
    When: july 2 1916
    Where: Somme river
    How they fought: trenches
    Why it is important A five month battle in which 80,000 canadian soldiers faught, 24,000 of which died. Their hard efforts gained 545 km of land. This was also a terrible endurance test for the canadians soldiers, and they proved they could endure. This battle also tought some painfull lessons, and the generals would need to change their strategy
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    What: Battle of Vimy Ridge
    When: April 9 1917
    Where: northern frrance
    How they fought: cold, snowy conditions
    Why it is important: canadians fought here together for the first time, they gained control of vimy ridge and showed new hope to their allies through the heavy german defence. They also learned a new tactic called the creeping barage which prevented german machine guns to mow them down
  • Conscription

    What: Conscription
    When: June 1917
    Where: canada
    why its important: Conscription was important becuase we where losing many troops on the battlefield. Some of our allies also started dropping out their soldiers and the volunteers rates were not as high. When this came into play more than 400,00 canadians were conscripted and were on their way to war. Many people feared conscription, so some went into hiding in hopes they wouldnt be conscripted.
  • The Red Baron

    The Red Baron
    What: The death of the red Baron
    when: April 21, 1918
    Where: Morlancourt Ridge
    How they fought: In planes, close to the ground
    Why this is important: The death of the famous Red Baron lead to many things. Many pilots feared this german ace as he shot down 80 allied arcrafts. because of his death many canadians were inspired to go back into the air with less fear and more confidence. This also proved that canadian airplanes could make an impotant contribution to the war.
  • The Canadian Convoy

    The Canadian Convoy
    What: The canadian convoy system
    When: end of 1918
    Where: Nova Scotia
    How they fought: In battleships
    Why this is important: The canadian convoy system played an important role in the war. Without it, supply ships would have never reached its destination and the troops would be depleting resources and soon become weak. German u-boats would have taken down allied supply ships without the help of the convoy system.