Online learning

From Punch to Programs

By rkovach
  • Punch Card Loom

    Punch Card Loom
    John Marie Jacquard created the punch card loom (computer). This type of programming would be used in early IBM computers (Frerrer, n.d.).
  • Analytic Engine

    Analytic Engine
    Charles Babbage created the 1st prototype of a "modern" style of he analytic engine and is sometimes referred to as "father of computing" The International Charles Babbage Society (later the Charles Babbage Institute) took his name to honor his intellectual contributions and their relation to modern computers (Who was Charles Baggage, 2019.)
  • Degree through Distance Learning

    Degree through Distance Learning
    The University of London offered the first full degree through Distance Learning.
  • "Distance Education"

    "Distance Education"
    The University of Wisconsin-Madison is the 1st USA school to use the term "distance learning"
  • Phonographic Recorders

    Phonographic Recorders
    The Univeristy of Wisonsin–Madison sends course materials and lectures on phonograph records to distance learners, as a means of distance education and setting the stage for online learning
  • Radio Broadcast

    Radio Broadcast
    Pennsylvania State University is the first college or university to broadcast courses over the radio
  • Z3

    It is said that the fully automated electro-mechanical programmable digital computer is created by German Konrad Zuse.
  • Television Courses

    Television Courses
    The University of Houston begins offering course credit for television correspondence courses
  • Intranet

    Inranet system is create at The University of Illinois
  • Computer Network

    Computer Network
    Leonard Kleinrock, Lawrence Roberts, and Thomas Merrill create the first wide area computer network.
  • First Signal

    First Signal
    Charley Kline transmitted the first internet signal.
  • Virtual Campus

    Virtual Campus
    The first virtual campus, Coastline Community College offers the first virtual campus to students.
  • Portable Computers/Online Programs

    Portable Computers/Online Programs
    The Osborne 1 is the first commercially successful portable computer and Western Behavioral Sciences Institute offers the first online college program.
  • Electronic University Network

    Electronic University Network
    The Electronic University Network is created to promote access to onlline courses. Long before MOOCs, mobile learning, and learning management systems, the project, started by former Atari president Ron Gordon, was a leading innovator in online education (Etherington, n.d.)
  • University of Phoenix

    University of Phoenix
    The University of Phoenix launches its online degree program.
  • Internet/World Wide Web

    Internet/World Wide Web
    Al Gore invents the internet and the World Wide Web opens to the public
  • Synchronous Learning

    Synchronous Learning
    CALCAMPUS offers the first online college courses with real–time instruction and participation
  • Khan Academy

    Khan Academy
    Salman Khan founds Khan Academy. Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom (Kahn Academy, n.d.)
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    President Barack Obama announces $500 million in grants to community colleges, the bulk of which supports the development of online learning resources and programs.
  • Online Programs

    Online Programs
    98% of public universities and colleges offer some form of online program