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Mobile Learning Lifespan
Alan Kay and his colleagues in the Learning Research Group at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) propose the Dynabook as a book-sized computer to run dynamic simulations for learning. The Dynabook was an idea, rather than a product, but we see many of its key concepts in contemporary mobile learning. -
Microwriters in Infant Schools
High, J., & Fox, C. (1984). Seven-year olds discover Microwriters. Implications for literacy of autonomous and collaborative learning i n the infant classroom. English in Education, 18(2), 15.
June 1984. -
Wireless Coyote
Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) in partnership with Orange Grove Middle School of Tucson, Arizona, used mobile computers connected by wireless networks for the 'Wireless Coyote' project. -
Learning with portable computers
Paper by John Gardner, Hugh Morrison, Ruth Jarman, Clare Reilly and Helena Mcnally, published in Computers & Education Volume 22, Issues 1–2, January–February 1994, Pages 161–171 -
Using mobile computing to enhance field study
Paper by Robert Rieger and Geraldine Gay, presented at
CSCL '97: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Computer support for collaborative learning -
Becta Project - Multimedia Portables for Teachers
Harrison, C., Youngman, M., Bailey, M., Fisher, T.,
Phillips, R., & Restorick, J. (1998). Multimedia Portables for Teachers Pilot Project Rep ort Coventry: British Educational
Communications and Technology Agency (Becta). -
The design of personal mobile technologies for lifelong learning
Paper by Mike Sharples in Computers & Education -
Palm Education Pioneer grants
On October 25, 2000, SRI International, a nonprofit research and development organization, invited teachers in the fifty United States to apply for a Palm™ Education Pioneer (PEP) grant. The grant provides Palm computers for teachers and their students and evaluates innovative uses of Palm handheld computers in K-12 classrooms. -
PDAs in the classroom in Chile
Personal digital assistants in the classroom: an experience
Patricio Rodríguez, Miguel Nussbaum, Gustavo Zurita, Ricardo Rosas, Francisca Lagos -
“Developing the Mobile Learning Business”- Opportunities for adding personalisation to anytime and anywhere learning?
The inaugural meeting of the European m-learning Forum -
Hunting of the Snark project
Learning Unplugged:Using Mobile Technologies for Organizational Training and Performance Improvement
The first authored book on mobile learning -
HandLeR Project
M-Learning Project
The M-Learning project was funded b y the European Fifth Framework programmets: to help young adults aged 16 to 24, who were disaffected learners and had not succeeded in the education system. The UK Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA) coordinated th e project, and participant
organisations included universities and commercial companies based in the UK, Italy and Sweden -
MOBIlearn was a worldwide European-led research and development project exploring context-sensitive approaches to informal, problem-based and workplace learning by using key advances in mobile technologies,which ran from 2002 to 2005 -
First WMUTE Conference
First IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile
Technologies in Education (WMTE 2002) took place at Växjö University in Sweden -
First Mobile and Contextual Learning Conference (mLearn)
mLearn is the longest running international conference series on mobile learning, It is organised by the international Associaton for Mobile Learning (IAmLearn) -
Mobile Learning:A Handbook for Educators and Trainers
The first edited book on mobile learning -
Frequency 1550
First IADIS Mobile Learning Conference
IADIS Mobile Learning is an international conference series, hosted in Europe. This conference series was inaugurated in Malta in 2005 and is the longest standing annual international mobile learning conference after MLearn -
COLLAGE and AMULETS projects
Augmented reality game from FutureLab in Bristol, where learners act out the roles of lions on the African Savannah -
First issue of the International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation -
MoLeNET Project
The UK's MoLeNET (Mobile Learning Network) Project used an investment of some £16 million from the Learning Skills Council to set up further education projects that engaged some 7,000 teaching staff, 1,000 technicians and more than 70,000 learners – all over three years. -
The International Association for Mobile Learning (IAMLearn) was officially founded at mLearn 2007 in Melbourne, Australia, -
First mobile learning apps for ios and Android
Free mobile learning books
Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training, edited my M. Ally, and JNew technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education, rdited by Herrington, Herrington, Mantei, Olney and Ferry both published free on-line -
First issue of the Interntaional Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning -
UNESCO Mobile Learning
First UNESCO Symposium on Mobile Learning at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris -
1st International Mobile Learning Festival
The 1st International Mobile Learning Festival was held in Hong Kong in 2014 -
First IAmLearn ebook published
The International Association for Mobile Learning sponsored an ebook launched at the 16th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning -
10th Anniversary of the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
The official journal of IAmLearn celebrated its 10th volume -
First Online mLearn Conference
mLearn 2020 was the first mLearn conference to be held fully online (as the result of COVID-19)