Byzintien emire

The Byzantine Empire

  • 300

    Yamato dynasty begins

    Yamato dynasty united Japan
  • 300

    Three Kingdoms of Korea

    the approximate beginning to the 3 kingdoms of Korea
  • Period: 320 to 550

    the Golden Age of India

    the Gupta Dynasty
  • 447

    Merovius becomes leader of the Franks

    Merovius tries to take over Roman Empire and defeats the Huns
  • Period: 481 to 510

    Clovis's reign over the Franks

    Clovis creates laws and France the Frankish Empire
  • 527

    Justinian becomes Emperor!

    Justinian becomes Emperor!
    became emperor of Byzantine Empire and created the Code of Justinian
  • Period: 571 to 632

    Muhammad's life

    Muhammad is born and becomes leader and died after creating the muslim religion and the Koran
  • 581

    Yang ching becomes emperor of China

    Yang ching becomes emperor of China
    Yang Ching founded the sui dynasty
  • 604

    Yangdi becomes emperor of China

    Yangdi becomes emperor of China
    Yangdi decides to dig a new river called the the Grand Canal to make traveling to north and south easier
  • Period: 618 to 906

    Golden Age of China

    tang dynasty
  • 622

    Muhammad's journey (the Hegira)

    Muhammad flees from Mecca to Medina. Muslims count their years starting from the Hegira
  • 630

    Muslims take over Mecca

    Muhammad orders all muslims to take over Mecca
  • 632

    Abu Bakr becomes first islamic caliph

    Abu Bakr becomes leader when Muhammad died
  • 650

    Ajanta caves abandoned

    indian monks leave caves to live in other monasteries
  • Period: 690 to 741

    the life of Charles Martel

    known as the Hammer he was the king of the Franks. he defeated the muslims in 732
  • 710

    Rodrico becomes king of the Visigoths

    Rodrico becomes king of the Visigoths
    he was the last king of the Visigoths. The former Kings sons became angry and sent for an army.
  • 711

    Tariq invades spain

    Tariq invades spain
    Tariq invades spain and take the throne. spain becomes a Muslims country. The place where he stood to watch his ships come in are known as Rock of Gibraltar.
  • 732

    Battle of Tours (battle of Poitiers)

    Frank and muslims are going to war at Tours and Fanks win
  • 762

    Baghdad becomes center of Islamic Empire

    Baghdad becomes center of Islamic Empire
    in 763 Baghdad becomes center of Islamic Empire on the shore of Tigris river, where the Caliph lives in a palace.
  • 771

    Charles Magnus becomes king

    Charles Magnus becomes king
    Charlemagne becomes king of Frankish Empire. he built roads and schools and churches and ordered all prisoners to be baptised or die. and he spent 30 years fighting wars trying to make his kingdom bigger.
  • 800

    Maori arrived in New Zealand

    they came from somewhere in the pacific ocean called the polynesian islands
  • 800

    Charles Magnes becomes Emperor of Romans

    Charles Magnus goes to Rome to visit the Pope and becomes Emperor of the Romans
  • 866

    the great army landed in englind

    the great army landed in england led by to viking brother called hafton and ivar the boneless and take over half of ireland
  • 871

    alfred becomes king of wessex

    Alfred becomes king because the could defeat guthorn and his army
  • 975

    Ericson the red sailed to greenland

    leif sails to North America and finds a new land and called it Green land and convinces 25 boats to come to Greenland and settle their but green land didn't have any grass trees just ice
  • 1000

    leif ericsson sailed to north america

    leif goes with 35 followers find a place and call it vineland and scralings defend vineland and leif and the other people flee vineland
  • 1054

    the Great eastern Schism

    the christian church divided into two groups called the eastern orthodox and the roman catholics