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The Beginning of Special Education In US History.

  • Rehabilitations Act of 1973 The US passes laws that Unrestrict environments

    Rehabilitations Act of 1973 The US passes laws that Unrestrict environments
    One specific law pasted in the 1970’s is the independent living law which allows those with a special need to have services provided to them that foster independence in their living situation. The rehabilitation act was the first law passed making it a crime to discriminate against those with special needs or disabilities.
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  • Education for All Handicapped Children's Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children's Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children's Act was passed in 1975. This act began the process of schools creating an educational environment that could include children with disabilities. T Children with impairments were now allowed to attend school with their peers in an inclusive environment. video Below
  • Education for All Handicapped Children's Act 1986

    Education for All Handicapped Children's Act 1986
    An extension to the act passed in 1974. This portion of the act passed in 1986 included services to extend to children with disabilities below ages 3. In conjunction with early intervention. The younger children can receive adequate care the better outcome and result in their education.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Act/Title Two of the Americans with Disabilities Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Act/Title Two of the Americans with Disabilities Act
    The Individuals with Disabilities Act and the Title Two of the Americans with Disabilities Act were laws passed to prohibit the exclusion and discrimination against those deemed to have a disabilities. Accessible accommodation were also required to be put in place to assists those with any impairment to have access,.. ramps on buildings and wheelchair accessibility on public transportation.
  • Amendment to IDEA

    Amendment to IDEA
    The Amendment to IDEA act was a law put in place to ensure that every state has policies in place to enforce a free public education to all students with special needs. This law also states that a service plan must be in place within the school to ensure adequate education and care are offered to students with special needs. School environments would also have to ensure the environments were accessible for special needs children...wheel chair accessibility.
  • Individualized Transition Plan

    Individualized Transition Plan
    The individualized Transition Plan extended the categorization to include those with Autism, Traumatic Brain injury and Attention Deficit disorder under the disabilities category. Behavioral assessment and intervention plans were added for students transitioning from secondary school to post secondary education and adult life.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    The No Child Left Behind act was enacted a law stated that no child be left behind including those with special needs. This law re iterating the importance of accountability of teachers to make sure all children met the education requirements.
  • Assistive Technology Act

    Assistive Technology Act
    The Assistive Technology Act was passed to ensure that those with disabilities who required mechanisms to assists them in completing tasks either at work or at school were provided. Loans were given to educational institutions as well as work places to help these individuals be able to complete tasks.
  • Zero Reject Rule

    Zero Reject Rule
    The Zero Reject Rule was a law included within the IDEA legislation that states that no child no child under any circumstances can be denied an education. The EHEA goes further to include children that may have been deemed as having "no hope." Children that are in a coma are still offered a form of education under the revised act.
  • Reauthorization of IDEA 2004

    Reauthorization of IDEA 2004
    Congress amended that early intervention be offered for students. Also more accountability by educators for educational outcomes. This law also required that 15 percent of school funds be directed to ensuring their schools met the accommodations required by law. It was also stated that a disproportionate number of minority children were being placed in special education classes for reasons other than disability. Link Below