Agricultural revoltuion

The Agricultural Revolution

  • Weather Gets Better

    Weather Gets Better
    After years of terrible weather for crops, 1700 was dramatically better. There was a higher crop yield than former years, this was the start of the agricultural revolution.
  • Period: to


  • Jethro Tull invents the seed drill

    Jethro Tull invents the seed drill
    Jethro Tull was an English agriculturalist and inventor. In 1701 he invented the horse drawn seed drill. It cut time dramatically and allowed farmers to plant their seeds in neat rows. The seed drill also planted the seeds at the right depth and covered the hole with earth. This saves time for farmers and makes the process a whole lot less back breaking. This invention basically started the agricultural revolution.
  • The Rotherham Plow

    The Rotherham Plow
    The Rotherham Plow was a vast improvement over the traditional plow. Improved by Disney Stanyforth and Joseph Foljambe, the rotherham plow was a lot lighter and easier to maneuver and could be dragged by a team of horses. It was used on an at home scale more towards the 1760s.
  • Four Year Crop Rotation is Introduced

    Four Year Crop Rotation is Introduced
    Four year crop rotation is one of the most important innovations of the agricultural revolution. The system is designed to increase soil fertility, weed control and pest and disease control. By using potatoes, legumes, onions and roots and brassicas. By using this method of crop rotation, soil fertility is increased and the plants have an easier time to grow and thrive.
  • Selective Breeding Introduced

    Selective Breeding Introduced
    Selective breeding is the breeding of livestock (in this case) to get to the best possible traits. By using the best of each male and female specimen, an ideal offspring can be produced. Selective breeding can be used to create the perfect specimen or to create an entire new breed. This was an important event in the agricultural revolution due to the fact that farmers could now selectively breed to their own needs whether it be meat, wool, or just a prize animal.
  • The Enclosure Act

    The Enclosure Act
    "The Inclosure Act" was an act of Parliament in the United Kingdom that is still listed as a law. It enabled landowners to enclose their own land and not allow commoners access to their enclosed land. This was extremely important as it allowed farmers their own land instead of sharing common land with a group of people. They were not allowed to do what they wanted and to plant whatever crops they wanted to.
  • Seed Drill Improved

    Seed Drill Improved
    Jethro Tull's original seed drill was good up until now where improvements have been made to it. Gears were added to the distribution mechanism to make the process go a lot better.
  • Textile Industries

    The textile industry was introduced with the invention of the flying shuttle and the spinning Jenny. Along with helping the agricultural revolution, it started the industrial revolution.
  • Population Growth

    It was estimated that the population growth between 1800-1801 was 50%. With this added population there was a large need for food and agriculture.
  • Canning Invented

    Canning Invented
    In the early 19th century an inventer named Bryan Donkin created the tin can. Canning was an important innovation because it allowed people to buy food and keep it preserved for a long time. Agriculture is increased after this because people can keep the items stored and they won't spoil.
  • John Deere Invents Steel Plow

    John Deere Invents Steel Plow
    John Deere is a famous name because he was an inventor. Based mostly in agricultural innovations, he created many new machines and farm tools. With this new invention, it made it easier and more efficient.
  • Pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization in 1873. This increases the need for milk and the availability of it. Pasteurization is near the end of the agricultural revolution because it is one of the last innovations. Pasteurization allows milk to not spoil as fast and be safer for the general public.
  • Refrigeration is invented

    Refrigeration is invented in 1895. This concludes the agricultural revolution. It increased manufacturing and agriculture as people could now keep food in their refrigerators.