
The Industrial Revolution

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  • The U.S

    The U.S
    During this time the U.S made huge progression. They became more modern and started building their ladder to becoming the top dog. It was a really good start for the country.
  • Invention of the Flying Shuttle

    Invention of the Flying Shuttle
    John Kay was the inventor of the Flying Shuttle. It was a boat shaped piece of wood that could double the work one weaver could do in a day.
  • Invention of the Spinning Jenny

    Invention of the Spinning Jenny
    James Hargeaves was the inventor of the Spinning Jenny. He named it after his daughter. The invention allowed one spinner to work eight threads at a time.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations. It defended the idea of a free enconomy and economic liberty, which according to Smith, guaranteed economic process. He also claimed that the government shouldn't interfere in the economy.
  • Invention of the Power Loom

    Invention of the Power Loom
    Edmund Cartwright was the inventor of the power loom. It was run by waterpower and sped up the processing of weaving.
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which sped the chore of cleanin cotton. It multiplied the amount of cotton that could be cleaned which in turn made cotton production in America skyrocket
  • Utilitarianism

    John Bentham was the man who introduced the philosoph of Utilitarianism. He argued that people should judge ideas, institutions, and actions based on their usefulness. John Stuart Mill led the utilitarian movement in 1800. He questioned unregulated capitalism and wanted to help the working people.
  • William Wilberforce

    William Wilberforce
    He was a religious man who led the fight for abolition. He was on Parlaiment when they passed the bill to end slave trade in the British West Indies. When he retired from Parlaiment in 1825 he continued to fight to free slaves until 1833 when slavery was finally abolished in the British Empire.
  • David Ricardo

    David Ricardo
    He wrote a book called Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. In this he took Malthus's idea one step further. He believed that a permanent underclass would stay poor forever. He also believed in the market system which was more workers and lots of resources meant the labor was cheap and vice versa.
  • Socialism

    French reforners like Charles Fourier and Saint-Simon. They were trying to offset the effects of industrialization with a new kind of economic system. Socialists believed that the factors of production were owned by the public and operated for the welfare of all.
  • Alexis de Tocqueville

    Alexis de Tocqueville
    He was a writer who contrasted the bad conditions in American jails to the extended liberty of the American society. This inspired reformers to take on the challange of reforming the prisons. They wanted to acheive the goal of restoring prisoners to useful lives.
  • Child Labor Reform

    Child Labor Reform
    Parliament set up commitees to investigate child labor and as a result they passed the Factory Act of 1833. This made it illegal for childern under to work. It also changed the amount of hours that children who could work were able to work,
  • Abolition of Slavery

    Abolition of Slavery
    Slavery was first abolished in the British West Indies in 1807. 26 years later it was fianlly abolished in the whole British Empire and then it was abolished in the U.S after the Union won the Civil War in 1873.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    He was the author of The Communist Manifesto. It argued that human societies have always been divided into warring classes. During the time he was alive the warring classes were the proletariats and the boureoisie.
  • Communism

    Karl Marx is considered to be the father of communism. He described it as a complete form of socialism in which the means of production meaning, all land, mines, factories, factories, railroads and businesses, wouold be owned bu the people. That way private property wouldn't exsist.
  • Women during the revolution

    Women during the revolution
    Women formed unions in the trades that they dominated. In Britain some women were even inspectors in factories where other women worked. At this time in the U.S women were starting settlement houses which served the poor people who were living in slums.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    Alexander Gharam Bell invented the first telephone. He did it by mistake when he was trying to create something that would send multiple telegraphs at one time.
  • Invention of the Light Bulb

    Invention of the Light Bulb
    Thomas Alva Edison invented the electric light bulb. He wasn't the first one to invent it but his light bulb outlasted the older ones making his more appealing.
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    She founded the Hull House settlement which served as a social service for poor imigrants. She was also an advocate for a lot of womens rights and wsa known as an international advocary of peace.
  • Capitalism

    Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo were the key players in the Capitalist movement. Capitalism is an economic system in which money is invested in a business ventures with goals of making a profit. Capitalists believed progress resulted when individuals follow their own self-interest.