
Imperialism For World History

  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    The Flying Shuttle was created by John Kay. The Flying Shuttle tripled the speed of weaving.
  • Spinning Machine

    Spinning Machine
    This invention was created by Bray Wyatt and Louis Paul. The Spinning Machine mechanised the spinning of thread. They went bankrupted because they couldn't get a patent
  • Transportation Revolution

    Transportation Revolution
    Private roads were built in the 1700's. People built 15,000 miles of roads were built. Later on the railroads were built which then turned into the transportation revolution
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny was created by James Hargreaves. Singles women who were called "spinsters" were replaced with the Spinning Jenny because while the "spinsters" weaved a single thread; Spinning Jenny wove 16
  • Water Frame

    Water Frame
    This invention was created by Richard Arkwright. It was a machine spinning strong cotton thread with rollers. He gained a patent and became a wealthy man. He also created the modern factor system
  • Enclosure Movement

    Enclosure Movement
    There were small families dominating the countryside and they created the "Enclosure Movement" which sent farmers and their families into the city.
  • Candle Wicks

    In 1760, Britain imported 3 million pounds of cotton which were mostly used for candle wicks
  • Britain circa 1760-1850

    By 1850, Britain was producing 2/3 of the world's coal, 1/2 of the worlds iron, and 1/2 of the world's machine-woven cotton textiles. Britain also had the world's largest navy
  • Mule

    The Mule was created by Samiel Crompton. The Mule combined weaving methods. Crompton donated his machine to his town, but unfortunaly he died in poverty
  • Power Loom

    The Power Loom was created by Edmund Cartwright. This machine was used to design a power loom that could use all of the available, inexpensive thread
  • Napoleon's Conquest of Europe

    Napoleon's Conquest of Europe
    Napoleon controlled Europe for 16 years. First he was brought in to take control of the falling France, but he eventually became power hungry.
  • Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin was created by Eli Whitney. It included interchangable parts and it dramatically increased cotton output in the American South
  • Slave Trade

    Britain supported free trade since 1688 and Britain ultimate wealth cost was slavery. The slaves were seen as a natural resource and they often survived no longer than 3 years
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Peasant uprising that attempted to drive all foreigners from China. "The Boxers" was a name that the foreigners have to a Chinese secert society known as the Yihequan. The "Boxers" practiced certain boxing and callistenic rituals in the belif that this made them invulnerable
  • Quinine

    Quinine was isloated from the bark of the cinchona tree and the extracts from the bark has been used to treat Malaria ever since
  • Coal

    Coal was the "cheap energy" of Britain and other countries did not have coal as their dominant source. Coal was used to power the Newcomen steam engine. The Newcomen steam engine pumped water out of coal mines to access the deeper parts of the mines.
  • Britain's Colonies

    Britain's Colonies
    With the Industrial Revolution beginning in Britain, it also started up many copious colonies. For example, Canda, New Zealand, Australia, India, Pakistan, Ireland, and parts of China like Hong Kong and Malaysia.
  • Unification of Italy and Germany

    Unification of Italy and Germany
    Italy and Germany were the last to unify. Before the unification, they were divided. In the end, both came under the unification because of Count Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Giuseppe Mazzini.
  • Textiles

    By 1850, Britain imported 621 million pounds of cotton from the American South to make textiles
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    British East India Trading Company dominated India and used Sepoys as the rules. Rumor spread that the cartridges were sealed with beef and pork fat and when they changed, it made the citizens angry. Because of this big rebellion, the British East India Company was disbanded.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Meiji Restoration
    In 1853, Commondore Perry arrives in Japan with 40 warships and 80 cannons. The Meiji Restoration brought about the final demise of the Tokugawa and because of internal fighting. The restoration returned control of the country to direct imperial rule
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    The Suez Canal was completed by the French by 1869 and it was the "Highway to India". The Suez Canal also reduced the travel distance by 43%
  • Europe Scrambles for Africa

    Europe Scrambles for Africa
    France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Belgium all scramble for a piece of Africa. All met at the Berlin Conference which was organized by Otto Von Bismarck to crave up Africa.
  • Maxim Gun

    Maxim Gun
    This was invented by Sir Hiram Maxim. It used the recoil power of the previously fired bullet to reload rather than being hand-powered. This enabled a much higher rate of fire.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference was organized by Otto Von Bismarck. During this conference, the abolition of slavery was establised, but King Leopold of Belgium only agreed if Congo was his to take
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    It is the belief of the idea "Survival of the Fittest" and that certain groups of people are better or more likely to survive than others.
  • Christian Missionaries

    Christian Missionaries
    These Christian Missionaries moved into Africa to convert souls and saw an increase in the slave trade and appealed for the abolition of slavery.
  • White Man's Burden

    White Man's Burden
    The White Man's Burden is the white man's to rule other countries. Ruling the entire world benefits everybody.
  • King Leopold is exposed to the world

    King Leopold is exposed to the world
    After the world knowing that King Leopold was delivering more hands than ivory and decreased half the popluation, King Leopold was overthrown by Belgium. Exposion of King Leopold was from the Christian Missionaries sent to Congo.
  • Rhodesia

    Rhodes claimed the diamond mines for Great Britain and used his personal wealth to establish his own colony in Africa called Rhodesia.