
Industrial Revolution

  • Development of Crop Rotation

    Development of Crop Rotation
    Crop Rotation was used to rotate crops after each year of harvest. This allowed the fields to retain more minerals and made the next years harvest more plentiful.
  • Period: to

    Agricultural Revolution

    This was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. During this period of time many advancements in farming and farm life were achieved. This mad farming easier and more mechanical.
  • Modernized Sources of Power

    Modernized Sources of Power
    Steam Engines were a major contributor to the Industrial Revolution. James Watt was also another important inventor for the time as he is considered "The Grandfather of the Industrial Revolution" for his additions to the Steam Engine and his idea of horsepower.
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    Textile Industry

    This was an other major focus of the Industrial Revolution. During this time, advancements in producing cotton, linen, and wool were made. Some of the machines that were created are the Flying Shuttle, Spinning Jenny, Power Loom, and Cotton Gin.
  • Gentlemen Farmers

    Gentlemen Farmers
    Gentlemen Farmers were rich landowners who owned large areas of land farmed by local farmers. They often bought out family-owned farmers causing the families to go and work in factories.
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was a game changer for the Industrial Revolution. It allowed for the seeds to be picked out of Cotton much faster and with less human labor involved. This allowed for Cotton to be a leading export of the United States and had a huge impact on our economy.
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    Advances in Science and Technology

    During this period, there were many inventions created based on Science and Technology. The inventions that were created are, the first electric battery, electric generator, the telegraph, light bulb, and the wireless telegraph.
  • Steamboats

    The first steamboat was invented by Robert Fulton in 1807. This made traveling in water easier as you no longer had to rely on the current and wind to guide you in the correct direction.
  • Factory Work

    Factory Work
    Factory work was not ideal but was the only way of life for the middle class. Workers were offered low wages, unskilled work and, long hours. Some days were up to 16 hours long. Child labor would begin in kids ages 5 and up.
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    Labor Unions were the first workers association that demanded reformation. They wanted better wages, shorter hours, safer working conditions, unemployment insurance, and child labor laws.
  • New Farm Machines

    New Farm Machines
    During this time, the speed drill, cultivator, iron plow, and the mechanical reaper. These inventions modernized farming and allowed for farmers to produce more crop easier.
  • Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism

    Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism
    These were the types of government though of at the time of the Industrial Revolution. Socialism is when the government owns and controls means of production.Communism is when the totalitarian government controls means and production with a classless society. Capitalism is when factors of production are controlled by private owners for profit. None of these work in there purest form.
  • Iron and Coal

    Iron and Coal
    Iron and Coal were the two major raw materials of the Industrial Revolution. Henry Bessemer was the man who came up with the "Bessemer Process" which was the way in which Steel was created. Steel was made from Iron during the Industrial Revolution. Steel was stronger, cheaper to make, and lighter to use. The mining of Coal also provided many with j=jobs in the mines even though mining Coal was extremely dangerous.
  • Intellectual Developments

    Intellectual Developments
    Charles Darwin was a major contributor to the scientific portions of the Industrial Revolution. He discovered Natural Selection. His assistant coined the phrase "Survival of the fittest." This means that the strongest survive simply because they are more fit to the environment.
  • Development of the Light Bulb

    Development of the Light Bulb
    The light bulb was developed by Thomas Edison. He is also known as "The Wizard of Menlo Park." This is because he created many inventions that without him life today would be very different. The invention of the light bulb allowed for people to be productive for more hours of the day as they could see clearly at night. This was a much better light source than an average candle.
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    Transportation Revolution

    During this era of the Industrial revolution, advancements in transportation were made. This includes automobiles, the creation of steamboats, and the first airplane.
  • Invention of Automobiles

    Invention of Automobiles
    The first commercial automobile was created by Henry Ford in 1886. Internal combustion engines were created only a year before the first automobile in 1885. The creation of diesel engines was also created in order to power larger vehicles.
  • Mass Production and the Assembly Line

    Manufacturing large numbers of items
  • Monopoly's in Business

    Monopoly's in Business
    Monopoly's were popular during the Industrial Revolution. A huge Monopoly was Rockefellar's Monopoly on oil.He had total control of the market and could charge whatever he wanted for whatever quality of his product.
  • Urbanization

    Urbanization was the growth of cities during the Industrial Revolution. A main contributor to this was the change from the cottage industry to the factory system. This caused workers to have the need to be close to wgere they work.